She walks in and lodges a ornate dagger in the wood of the table. "All she had."
The Captain nodded. "As i was saying prior to our disturbance, " she looked to Vera, "we need to secure the area. Tomorrow at dawn, Ellis, Ajax you will need to do down to the town's surrounding us and get a couple dozen builders at least. We have lots of repairs to do in hazardous areas of this castle."
The Captain breathed out. She turned her head to Vera and spoke with question in her voice, "now, what to do with this child over here? Do we turn her in because this could be a very dangerous thing to do if it doesn't work well for us. Or do we protect her?"
Vera looked up scared of what they might end up doing.
"I understand you have gold. You want protection. The gold you offer can only ensure one of those things for a month, but both for two weeks. I suppose we could take the gold, and do both, you could then work until we have adequate compensation from you."
"A month won't be long enough. Not for what I know. I will work it off. I promise. The Lord can strike me down right now if I will break it." Vera shouts at the Captain in a desperate attempt to save herself from being released to the people she knew information about.
"Bella. Train her. If she wants our protection, she best be prepared to fight for it."
"Yes m'lady" Bella bowed her head respectfully as she said it. The Captain looked at her sending her daggers and they both burst out laughing. "Of course Arya."
"During the reconstruction of the walls and such likes, we all will have to improve. The last time I sparred with you Englishman, you had sloppy footwork." The Captain says as she smirks at Ellis.
"Yes Cap."
"Oh and before I forget, I want you back by dusk at the latest tomorrow. Because of the new child here, we will need you to buy her some practical clothing to fight in, this dress will be a hindrance. That will be all. Rest well. Be up and ready on time tomorrow." With that the Captain walked out of the door.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"She's intense," breathed Vera, who had been stood by the door.
"You should be happy, she didn't slit your throat. You were stood twiddling your thumbs. What are you? 5?" Sniggered Ellis.
"Is that a typical punishment performed here?"
"If you annoy her too much, she won't hesitate to kill you, darling. You wanted to be a mercenary, right? Well here's your first lesson. Don't annoy people you cannot win a fight against. If you can't fight, your life is always on the line. People will not hesitate to kill you." Smiled Ajax.
"Don't scare her so badly, she's new." Bella said. "Anyway, I'm heading to bed. Come Bella, I'll show you to your room."