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Everlasting: Hope and Sorrow

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When Mushou Homizaki's mom abandons him, he's adopted and raised by a loving family. Her desperate begging for his new family to remember his name goes ignored and Mushou becomes Miku, severed from his past. The death of Mushou's adoptive dad reveals the abusive nature of his new family and though he struggles to resent them, one summer reveals the truth about his past that could ruin what little peace he has forever but afterall those unforgivable treatment he had recieved, he still loves his new family because ofcourse, He Still Doesnt Know The Truth, Summer ends and Miku got into a New School, he thought that he will forever recieve a lovable and peaceful moment that he could forever treasure, until that day Update: Its been almost a year where my novel/story didnt get new chapters, ive been starting to work on wattpad lately and published 1 of my book, i will transfer them soon to here and will do a overhaul in this story like making the conversations to dialogues etc.

Chapter 1 - Roots of Aura

*Baby Crying* "Stop crying my cute little boy"the mother said while sitting on the floor on the dark alley and sorrounded by different kinds of trash."Here, moshu, mommy finally got a milk for you, drink it before it gets soggy *baby stopped crying*, Moshu, il probably not be able to raise you, i cant also guide you and watch you as you grow up like normal mommies do while im still living, but remember moshu, mommy will always be beside you, even when you can no longer see mommy, i will love you like normal mommies do and to support you with your dreams and hopes, live moshu! *baby smiled*" saying this while looking at her son and sobbing and smiled as she saw her son smiled, "il find the best parent that could raise you well, i will not sell you but to only find someone who is kind-hearted and will let you grow into a fine man, remember your name, you are Homizaki Moshu, the one and only son of your mother Homizaki Minna and father Homizaki Kusho" saying this while looking at his son and hugged him

*talking at the front door*

"is this him?" the man asked

"yes, please do take care of him, i love my son so much,*kneeling* i hope you will raise him well and will always be in good condition as he grow up" the mother said while kneeling infront of them and begging for them to raise her son well

"*holding the mothers hand* please stand up, *the mother slowly standing up*, i will promise to raise your son and will be in good condition and will watch him and guide him as he grows up, just trust us* the woman said with pity face and calm voice

"*hugged her baby*, sorry moshu, this will be my last, seeing you and feeling you in my hands, just remember this words from mommy, I Love You Very Much, im sorry moshu, till we meet again, farewell, my beloved son" saying this while sobbing and baby sleeping

"May i ask, whats his name?" the woman asked with curiosity

"im so sorry for not introducing my son to you, his name is Homizaki Moshu, please let him wear that name as he grows up" The mother said

"i will never forget your words, till we meet again" the woman said

*the mother bowed and walking through the dark streets and was never seen again*

*present day*

"Hoy, Miku, come here and help me wash this filthy shirts" the woman shouted

"Coming!" Miku replied *running downstairs*

"Here, take this shirts *putting it in the separate basket*, wash this and make sure i cant see any kind of dirt in the shirt and must smell like a flower, do you get it?" the woman said while pointing at Miku

"Yes mom, i got it, il clean this just like what you've asked" Miku replied

"good and now dont disappoint me" the woman said

she was about to head back inside the house but then...

"Mom, you told me il help you but why are you heading back and i have so many clothes to wash and your basket has only few clothes" Miku asked

"Wow, your really asking me that*looking at miku*, listen kid*walking slowly* i am the ruler of this house, its either you will do what i told you or get a worst punishment, you hear me?"shouted at him"now go clean those clothes or else you'll get something that you dont want" the woman said

Miku then washed those closed and head back to hia room, he then grabbed his notebook, full of writings with his experiences in his home and then sitted and putted his notebook on his desk and started writing

*writing on his notebook*

"i again got shouted for asking something that isnt fair to me, in this house, i always got to do what she told me to since the death of my father, im already 13yrs old, going highschool this year but she treated me like im her helper, her maid, only father treated me like his son, a favorite son and i never have experienced that kind of feeling in my mother, i almost felt like she really have given up loving me and that im only a foster that isnt worth of her love and care, i dont know my purpose on this world anymore but im still thankful that shes still doing her best, raising me alone and to give me a better life for me to achieve my dream and will soon pay her back for her sacrifices and will love her no matter what, but still, i dont know why im being treated like this, but i hope soon she will look at me as her son and will love me and will treasure me forever"

"Miku, come down here, help me cook here" his mom shouted

"Coming!" Miku replied and running downstairs and his grudge on his mother is gone

Miku still feel positive after all those treatment he got from his mother, Miku doesnt want to lose another part of his family and will do his best to succeed to atleast that he will experience proudness from his mom

[Summer done, school starts]

*alarm clock ringing* "Oh no, i need to get ready now, first day of highschool and i will not be going late, il start this new school motivation, I WILL PROMISE TO NOT BE LATE"

He then rushed to his bathroom, do all bathroom stuffs there, wear his uniform, rushed downstairs, eat his meal and saying "Il be back soon, see you lated" to his beloved mom "Take care miku!" , the moms reply

"what time is it,*looked at his watch*, oh noo, im going to be late after 30mins, i neeed to hurry"

[Arrived at school]

"glad i made it in time, *entering the school gate*, woooh i felt nervous seeing so many different students"

*school ceremony started and miku headed to the school gym and the school council president doing her speech*

"*miku on the sit, listening closely on the speech*, woooah, shes so cute, i wonder whats her name, AAAAAHHH, miku, do not let her cuteness and prettyness distract you*shake his head and changed his face to serious mode*, listen carefully and do not get distracted" saying this on his mind

*speech done and they're now ready to go on their classroom*

"*miku walking then someone bumped him, books dropping*" , im so sorry *picking up the dropped booka*" miku said

"No .... i-its not your fault..... i-wasnt watching whos infront of so sorry*bowed*, please forget everything that happened today" the girl said while looking at miku and then she ran

"That was weird, but though shes beautiful" miku said on his mind

*miku arrived at his classroom*

"Uhmm... Everyone, you have new classmate today, please come in", the teacher said

"Ok..uhmm..... Goodmorning everyone, my name is Tukashiri Miku, nice to meet you all" Miku said while slightly shaking because hes shy

"You may sit beside him, right there" the teacher said and pointed

"Thank You" Miku replied

Miku looked around and saw the girl who bumped him, miku looked at the girl and the girl saw him but then she turned his head around and still felt embarassed and shy for what happened earlier but Miku didnt let it bother him

Miku made some few friends and explained how he got into the school, they shared some cool stories, experiences in life and how happy they are in the first day of class

*bell rings*

"Oh, its time now, thats all for this morning, ypu may now take your lunch" The teacher said

Miku then headed to the cafeteria and lined up to get some food, he then saw the girl infront of him and was curious why she theres no other girls chit-chatting her while on the line(because he thought thats the usual habits of the girls)

The girl then finished getting her food and looked up some seats, then miku found her alone near the mirror, after getting his food, he then headed to the girls seat and sitted infront of her

"W-Why are you here?" the girl asked

"because...u-uhmmm, you..are..alone?maybe?" miku replied with shyness and embarassement of why he even sitted infront of her and doesnt know what to say

"*serious tune* im fine being alone thank you, you made some friends here already, go sit together with them, i dont need someone to feel pity with me, i have a dark side so dont let me show it to you" the girl replied

"C-Calm down, its fine.... i-i wont tell anyone about this..i-i just want to know you more, by the way i am Tukashiri Miku, nice to meet you"miku said while trying to shake hands with the girl

"to make it fair, then fine il introduce myself,*soft tune* My name is Yoshuhiki Ino, nice to meet you!" Ino said

"Lets try being comfortable with each other ok!"

The day ends with hapiness and joy, Miku found some great friends and even started to make friends with the Ino, Miku was happy about the first day of class and hopes this kind of feeling will continue till the end

*Miku got home*

"*knocked then opens the door,* Im home mom" Miku said

"Welcome Home,Are you happy with your new school?" his mom replied

"Yes!, Im happy with my new school right now and i made some few friends wich made me so so happy, i hope this kind of feeling will continue till the end" Miku said with joy

"Im sure it will, go get changed and go cook our dinner after" his mom said

then Miku replied with "Yes!, i got it" because hes overjoyed with todays experience

after dinner, miku then headed back to his room and start writing his todays experience on his notebook, his usual habit but though he kept is a secret, no one knows that he writes his everyday experience on his notebook

*miku writing*" Todays experience was Great!, i just transfered but then i made some few cool friends wich made me overjoyed and so so happy! my mom even asked hows my day and it made me feel loved and to think she really do love me and still care for me, all those thoughts about what i think of her is just a waste and i hope this kind of feeling will continue and will last forever I-" *Miku stopped writing

"oh no, my 5th notebook is now full, i need to buy new one and i need to hurry so that i wont forget what i was about to write"

*grabs his money and rushed downstairs*

"Mom, il be back* Miku shouted as he was putting his slippers

"Hurry, Miku....its late night now or you wont be able to get inside and just sleep outside" His mom shouted

"I got it" Miku replied

miku then ran to the nearest store where notebooks are available and bought it without a hassle

while miku was running on the street, he heard some noise and conversation coming from an alley ans miku devided to have a peek but then...

"ey stop, your tickling me too much *giggle*hmm.. how bout this, lend me some money and il let you do some more *put her hands on the mans chest* sweetie"

"sure, my sweetie...lets go to my place, lets watch some movies and have some fun"

"im sorry sweetie, lets just do it here, i have school tomorrow and i cant afford to get late, i have some business tomorrow *seducing the man*"

"ok fine, theres a bathroom just a few steps away, lets just go there and have some fun, i have 10k yen with me and im sure this is enough right?"

"yes it is, lets go before it gets too late"

Miku stopped peeking and cant believe what he saw, miku is walking slowly through his home while hes out of his mind, trying to figure out if its just a dream, or a real thing

as he arrives, his mom already slept and closedΒ  the door, he then remembered what his mom said and decided to sleep outside hes still upset about what he saw and trying to forget everything

*The next day, Miku then get ready and headed to school*

"Goodmorning Miku" ino said

miku looked at Ino and said with chilling voice "shut up, you whore, leave me alone..i dont want to see your face ever again"

Ino was shocked about what he said and was glad he didnt shout it and only them both heard it

"meet me in the cafeteria, lets talk... dont tryna escape from me" ino said with threatening voice

*lunch time*

*miku sat down*

"Tell me Miku, whats wrong" Ino said

"I saw something last night" Miku Replied wich made Ino shocked and then asked one more time

"Tell me Miku, What did you saw last night"

Miku then replied "I-I saw..."