Chapter 3 - Unreal

Day by day, he got famous even more. Like really, he have looks, he is smart and cool.

Those adoring eyes, his gesture and action. I can't help myself to stop adoring him.

He started to have many friends and fangirls. Though, he seems to be quite awkward with those fangirls, he still talks to them and treat them well.

While I was looking at him from far away, secretly.

I even stalked him. Yes, I followed him by my second account which I "anonymous" it.

Creepy, I know

But that's the only thing I'm good at.

Beep Beep!!!

My phone beeps, I rolled at the side and my sleepy hand reached for my phone.

I logged in into my personal Instagram account and the first thing I notice was a message from FELIX HART

wait! what? really?

His message made me open my eyes wide. Reality immediately sank in. I was lying on my bed here in a dorm.

That's when I knew he chose me. Out of all these beautiful fans he chose me..... I was chosen.


"He accepted my request omfg he didn't decline my message instead he replied" okay go smooth it's okay

I checked if he is online and he was and my fingers were hovering over the keyboard dying to type something

"Can I have your number?" I hit the enter button and that's when I realised what the hell did I just sent him. Who the fuck ask for his/her number  after the hour of texting, great now he is going to think I'm some kind of freak an -DING!

"Some other day" He replied