As I was running after the school bus trying to get the driver to stop I some how tripped over my own legs and fell on the ground. I didn't even know being that clumsy was possible! Anyways so now I'm laying on the ground with my face smushed up into the dirt. This is just fantastic!! Some how after a few minutes I decided to be smart for once and stand up. I started to soeed walk. Professor Magarita is gonna kill me! Even though I'm just a few minutes late I know there's gonna be trouble. My pace fastened that I was now jogging instead of walking. This was the most exercise I got in the last 2 years! I think my heartbeat started to beat faster than it should as I kept getting closer and closer to school. I really hope Principal Magarita is in a good mood. As I walked though the doors of hell there was no one in sight. Everyone else are probably in class already. It was so silent as if anything could pop up right now abd grab me.
This did not help my anxiety at all. I swer this is like a horror movie! As I got closer and closer to my geography class my paranioa got even worse. My hands even started to sweat! I took in a deep breath and reached for the door handle. I quickly turned the knob and pulled open the door. My face cringed as it made a ceaking sound. And to make it worse I came face-to-face with the one and only cold hearted Professor Vodka. Okay Casey keep calm. He can smell fear! As he glared at me I took a step back. I think that only made him even angrier cause somehow he had even more wrinkels on his face! I just stood there hoping that he might disappear in thin air.....or something like that. I whised that the awkward silence would return the second he opened his mouth. "Mr. Morgan late... again I see?!!!" he yelled getting right up in my face. I had only two thoughts in my mind at that time. One I should have brought myself a body gaurd or braught child services today cause this is guy is getting way too close. And two did this guy even brush his teeth today cause his breath sure doesn't smell like any daisies or roses that I've ever smelled. Suddenly a foot tapping on the floor disturbed my train of thought and brought me ack to reality. Oh goody. Bazinga! I was being sarcastic. Oh right gotta make up an excuse before Professor Vodka gets even more triggered! Think Casey think! "um.... Well... I like to think of it as being the opposite of early." nice going Casey. Really sugarcoat your situation. "That means you're late dimwit!" welp he got triggered really fast. And now I'm definitely calling child services! That what he said right there is child abuse coming outof his mouth! I gotta think of a good come back!! Um... "well you're.... you're mom... sucks!" okay maybe next time not something that'll make you look like a total loser!!