After a day of rest and relaxation, everyone felt great. Their bodies were sturdier, limber, and more explosive. They didn't know it yet, but their constitution and vitality had increased also. Not only could they more hits, that are not from Arthur, but they could also recover faster.
The next training session was martial training. However, before that could begin, there was something Arthur wanted to teach everyone, Flow.
Flow was the concept behind Step, Cut, and Block. As the Old Man once taught,'Flow exists in all places and all things. You can stop it, even try to trap it, but Flow will always find a way to flow. Harnessing Flow enhances every part of you. You can cut with it, block with it, move with it, and even think with it. The possibilities of Flow are endless, fully harness it, and you will see for yourself.'
The next memory Arthur had after hearing that was the Old Man throwing him off a mountain…good times.
Standing at the top of a cliff, everyone stood before Arthur as they waited for his announcement. However, judging by how precarious their environment currently was, they didn't have a good feeling of what was to come. Especially considering that it was a thirty-meter drop. Originally, there were rocks below, but Arthur had already moved them. 'Now, why would he do that?'
"Hello, everyone," smiled Arthur.
'That smile, that damnable smile.'
"Today we will be awakening something very few people know about much less know how to use. It will add a qualitative enchantment to your skills. And depending on how well you grasp it, it will quantitively improve them. As for what it is called, it is called Flow."
Hearing Arthur's words and Looking at the jaw-dropping cliff behind Arthur, the soldiers couldn't help but release a collective gulp. 'He isn't planning on making us jump from here, is he?'
"But to grasp it, you must first feel it. And one of the best methods to do that is well…" explained Arthur as he pointed to the cliff behind him.
'He is.'
Turning around, Arthur walked to the edge of the cliff, strong winds buffeted him, but they somehow seemed to flow around him. His hair was still ruffled, but otherwise, everything else was at peace. "Watch carefully because I will only do this once."
Jumping down from the cliff, Arthur plunged towards the sparkling blue water below. In a few seconds, he entered the water without a ripple, much less a splash. Another few seconds passed before Arthur stepped onto the shore. Looking closely at him, everyone noticed all the drops of water were flowing off him gently, without leaving a single drop behind. A few seconds, he appeared completely dry.
Of course, Arthur didn't expect everyone to be able to walk out of the water without dry, but he did expect them to complete the dive without a ripple. Once they could do that, they would have grasped the basics of Flow. Comprehension of flow was complicated but comprehensible at the same time.
However, for everyone, what Arthur just did was impossible. 'Come on, are you serious? A dive without a splash?Maybe. A dive without a ripple?....'
Nevertheless, flying back up to the cliff, before anyone could react, Arthur unceremoniously threw everyone into the air, Luna included, off the cliff. Aegon was excluded because he had already grasped Flow and didn't enjoy getting wet.
And like this, an entire week flew by as everyone took countless plunges into the small ocean below the cliff.
Out of everyone present, only Luna, Cisse, and Siegfried had been able to walk out of the water dry and thus mastered the advanced part of Flow, Separation. Other than them, ten other people were close to attaining Separation. Of the ten people, Sai was included, and along with the other nine became squad leaders of their respective teams, with each in charge of four other people.
It should also be noted that with how Flow exists in all places and things, regardless of whether that something can grasp or use it. For one's Flow to affect the world around them and others, their Flow must stronger and isolated. But for that to happen, one has to master, Separation. If not flow, only qualitatively improves a person's attributes. As for what Separation is, it the isolation of the Flow within a person and a small area around them. A great visualization would be objects in a void. Everything thing with mass has a pull/gravity, and for that pull to affect something else, it's mass must be larger and independent of the other object's influences (e.i, stars).
Nevertheless, to enhance everyone further, Arthur wanted to teach everyone Step, Block, and Cut. But, unfortunately, he didn't have the qualifications to do so. Only individuals who had thoroughly mastered Flow could pass on their unique techniques, and those three moves were uniquely made by the Old Man. After all, how flow developed in a person was completely unique to the person in question.
Nevertheless, Arthur did teach them the concepts behind Step, Block, and Cut. Cut was the directing of Flow, while Block was the disruption of Flow. And Step was the unique of the two as it combines disruption and direction of Flow to control Flow.
But of course, to simplify Flow for everyone to properly understand those three concepts of flow. Arthur slowly poured a bucket of water and poked a finger into it show disruption, then followed it with a finger while slowly moving it to the side to demonstrate direction, and then intermittently disrupted and guided it for control. As for how much everyone understood from that demonstration, it was all up to them, Arthur had done his part.
But to inspire future progress of Flow, Arthur left a few words. "Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. Flow flows where intentions go, go with it, force nothin, let it happen – trust whichever way it goes. Those who flow as Flow flows know they need no other force. Be the flow."
Nonetheless, after everything was said and done, Arthur rewarded everyone with good food and a relaxing day at the golden lakes. While everyone was improving their abilities, Arthur was also improving, particularly his understanding of his abilities. Though using them felt like controlling his limbs, the more he understood them, the more uses he found for them, particularly his golden-colored ability.
From what he understood so far, after integration, rather than being limited to healing only one person a day due to the golden ability's energy already being present in their body. After integration, he could now pull out that energy after it has completed its task and thus allowing him to restore a person multiple times a day. Of course, the catch was that it required a massive amount of energy. But because he could now control it to a certain extent, he could now inject its effects into things like water, and only periodically needed to replenish the concentration of the golden-energy within those things.
Overall it was a week of the progress of everyone. Even Aegon, who preferred to nap, had perfect his stealth techniques and shadow abilities.