Chereads / Promise you will never leave me / Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Chapter 21 - Chapter 21

Everything ended two weeks ago. The adults at the school discovered the truth on the fifth of January, I woke up on the twelfth and Blaise, Izzy, Hamilton and Max were going to be judged with their parents in February. I was able to go back to living with my parents at a small hotel as our house was sold but I was happy to have them back.

Mum and dad had missed me. I never thought I would have been as happy to see their face the next day of my wake up. Mum took some wrinkles, dad had bags under his eyes but they were glad that I was still alive. Even if after, I had the longest lecture on how dangerous it was to do what I did.

And now, two weeks later, in a small church the school estate owned, they were a small ceremony for all the victims that passed away during those years of terror under the prefects orders. So much kids dead for nothing...

I didn't had the courage to go inside, to face all of these crying and whipping faces. I wanted to be alone with Archie. Because it was going to be his last day on earth. His white wings had finally spread and he was now able to fly towards the sky, freed from all the unsaid of the boarding school. It was time for him to leave after so much time grieving his own death.

"Ethan, it was an honour to meet such a temerious boy than you. I was pleased to be your friend and I hope you will find your happiness on earth." He said in a formal tone, handing over his hands so I could shake it. I simply laughed and pulled him by his arm to take him in a bone crushing hug.

"Stop being so boring Archie. And I know you're happy to see Sebastien and Amanda. So don't lie to me." I told him, still chuckling.

I intertwined his fingers with mines and asked him, more serious this time : "And if ever you meet a girl going by the name of Via, tell her I loved her."

He simply nod and I smiled.

But then, eleven o'clock struck on the tall clock of the school and I understood that it was time for Archie to fly away.

I looked at his face, his eyes and at his eyes and carved them into my mind, next of Via image, to never forget who he was. And slowly, his skin became even paler, his eyes whiter and his hair almost non-existent. Archie was fading away. Just like snow, his body transformed into small particles and I watched it float towards the sky in an unbeatable dance, as if Archie was dancing as he was flying to Paradise. And then, nothing. He was gone. No more magic and no more dance. Nothing.

Archie was dead.

I fell on the floor and cried, cried so hard that maybe someone heard me. I cried and cried, taking some snow from the ground and putting on my face as I tried to dry my face. I cried so much that my throat went dry and that my tears were only some water dripping and not a river. I was cold from staying static but did nothing to warm myself.

My heart was slowly breaking... First Via and then Archie ? I couldn't take it anymore. It was too much pain to make friends, to much work and to much energy. I couldn't keep up anymore, something had to stop. But what ? What should stop ? My will of having friends ? Or my cursed life that seemed to be as thrilling as the ones in books ?

"Oh Ethan !" A childish voice said and I simply smiled while turning around on my knees and taking Lola in my arms. My sweet little sister who had a gift to always know where to find me. She was my saviour, the one that was going to heal my heart.

I stroke her brown here, smelling their usual scent and cupped the round face of Lola. She still had those adorable blue orbs that made her look so much like a little doll.

" Why were you crying big Brother ?" She asked, just as curious as before I left her.

"Because I was sad." I answered genuinely, not saying the details knowing she wouldn't understand what I would tell her. " But I'm okay now because you are her." I told her and she smiled greatly before pulling in a tight hug. She then jumped in my arms as I stood up and I noticed she was missing a tooth.

Her first teeth.

" Have the little mouse passed ?" I asked, grinning.

"Yes ! And I received a doll !" She chimed and I couldn't help but laugh. Laugh and laugh at the idea of having back my sister after so much time. She had stayed to our grandparents house the time I got better and now I realise how important she was in my life.

She was my little light that illuminated the darkness of my mind.

" Ethan, did you those those people who died ?" She asked sadly as she twiddled with my hair.

I hesitate a long time before answering to this simple question before finally choosing to tell the truth : "I did actually. His name was Archie."

"Really ?! What was he like ?! " She chimed and I chuckled to see her that existed.

" He was nice, truly. He had some incredible black hair and eyes. I'm sure you would have loved him actually Lola..." I told her nostalgic.

Lola seemed to think a little as she played with my hair before she looked at me and asked : " What do you want for your birthday brother ?"

I was surprised at that question, having forgotten about this special event after all that happened these last weeks. I never had the time to wonder what presents I wished to have or what surprise I could ask for.

But I knew deep down what I wanted. I wanted all this crazy story to end. I wanted Archie and all the others to have never died. But they were only memories now...

Just memories...

"I want to be with you little sis."