Chereads / ChainLink / Chapter 9 - A Job No One Asked For

Chapter 9 - A Job No One Asked For

I looked at Saki. I'm sure my expression plainly communicated my confusion: My mouth was hanging open, my shoulders were scrunched up mid-shrug, and I kept gesturing to Eliot with my eyes. This display was supposed to inspire her to explain what he was talking about. Saki's expression was more measured than mine, but her mouth was also slightly ajar. She slowly set her palm against her cheek and tilted her head.

"Assistant?" She repeated in a musical tone, "Whatever do you mean?"

Realizing she was just as confused as myself, I looked to Eliot for answers. I was desperate enough to even accept a bad lie, as long as it calmed my fears of being 'disposed of.'

He fidgeted under the pressure of our stares. "I… I need a human perspective to record this time period."

That answer did nothing for me. I don't think it did much for Saki either, because she frowned lightly at his words.

"You do?" Saki asked, "You've never mentioned that before."

"Well. Weell." Eliot briefly bit his lip. Was that a good idea when he had fangs? "I have a very strict… application process! And Ophelia has passed."

"I never even submi—" Eliot stepped on my foot. I shut up.

The pain exchange resulted in a light giggle from Saki.

"You can say that quite easily with words, Eliot. But without any paperwork to back it up, I'm afraid it's a useless statement." Saki started, her small fist guarding a smile, "However, I am not opposed to making this official."

I stepped away from Eliot to save my feet before commenting, "Excuse me, but could we get some explanations for the confused humans in the room?"

"Oh dear. You know I'm not human?" Saki asked.

"Kinda figured." I answered, "But I haven't figured out what you're all talking about. Just what is going on here?"

I tried to exert some commanding energy into my words and posture, but found my legs were shaking in contrast. The two non-humans exchanged a look between them, with Eliot's being an anxious look and Saki's being more subdued. She then used her hand to gesture towards the sitting area.

"Why don't we sit down for some tea, and I'll explain?" She offered.

As tempting as it was, I shook my head rapidly. Tea wasn't going to erase the tension. The words from earlier were filling me so much dread that my stomach had no room for tea. 'Disposed of' was a harsh phrasing.

Saki's expression melted to one of almost pity, with a gentle smile and apologetic eyes. "He really has roped you into this, hasn't he?"

"Yeah." I said quickly, "Please have mercy."

"I can't." Saki said calmly, "But I can do my best to explain. Let's just sit down for the moment."

Again, I shook my head. I didn't want to sit down. I couldn't accept a calm conversation with all that was looming over my head.

She stepped towards me and I instinctively stepped back. Saki reached into a pocket on her shirt, and I braced myself to be stabbed. 'Disposed of,' technically speaking. But instead, Saki took out a handkerchief and moved to lightly dab my face. I hadn't even realized that I was crying until I felt her dry some tears.

"There, there." Saki soothed, "The worst of it is over now. If what Eliot says becomes true, then you have nothing to worry about."

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Eliot's pretty face twisted into a guilty expression. Between that and the kind gesture, I finally broke down enough to wail. "Fiiiiine. But I want my tea with a lotta sugar, or it doesn't coount!"

"Yes, yes." Saki agreed, "Go take a seat and I'll bring it right over."

"Mmmmuurgh!" I agreed.

Saki left my crybaby self with the handkerchief as she herself walked deeper into the office. I felt horrible sitting on one of the couches with that fabric to my face. Sitting there felt like giving up. Wasn't it better to run away in these situations? On TV, rabbits being pursued by a predator always run… Then again, the majority of them get caught and eaten too. Saki had said that I was safe, but I still held a shred of caution.

At least Eliot was there. He sat next to me and was somehow a reassuring presence. Despite the fact that he was a bad liar, he was on my side. That had to count for something right now. He held a box of kleenix out for me and I kept snagging a new tissue to snot into. We were a good snot team. If we could work together in saving my life half as well as we worked on de-snotting my face, maybe we would be okay.

Other than my snorting, we were both silent. Minutes passed. Further into the office, I heard a kettle sing and the soft clatter of china cups. It took a few minutes, but Saki did eventually return with a tray of hot tea. She gently set the cups on coasters in front of us, before taking her seat on the couch opposite of ours.

"Now then." Saki seemed to hum, "How about some answers to go with your tea?"