Chereads / Sugary Goodness (Book 3) / Chapter 23 - 23. Meeting Grandmother

Chapter 23 - 23. Meeting Grandmother

The next three days we had exhausted the hotel suite, she was very arousing I just couldn't keep my hands off of her. She would do her meetings in the working hours, and I would use the hotel gym for my training, or I would walk aimlessly around the foreign city. Then I was naked, and ready for her every time she came back.

I should be feeling used already, but I was fucking loving it. I was addicted to her, and that was the feeling that I was more worried about.

"Baby, I'm sending you a formal suit for tonight, you're my date for dinner. It's finally over. I'm going back to the suite earlier, I need you to pamper me before tonight." She let out a sighed, making me chuckled.

"Alright, I'm still at the gym. I'll finish earlier and be naked for you." I was feeling giddy again.

Fuck! Every fucking time!

It was around seven, when we arrived at her dinner event. She was looking gorgeous and sexy, and was totally naked under the dress. She was teasing me, when she wore the freaking black velvet dress in front of me.

"Gary baby, I know that look. Don't be greedy my pet. You have already made me come several times already, I'm not even going to count anymore. Come on I'll introduce you to Olga, she had been asking about my mysterious man, let me parade you around." She took my hand, and waived to a beautiful looking woman.

"Olga darling, you look flawless as always." She greeted the woman as they kissed each other on the cheek. She smiled wildly at me, I could see her beauty. But her personality definitely shines more, as she greeted me with a hug and a peck on the cheek.


She's very friendly...

"My god! You must be the infamous Gary. Megan had said absolutely nothing about you! Come, you will sit next to me. I bet she had you coupe up in her hotel room for days already." She was patting the seat next to her, I looked at Megan. She just laughed at us, and told me to sit anywhere I wanted.

I was going to sit next to her, but then Olga abruptly pulled me down to sit by her side.

Damn this little woman has strength...

"Megan, you will sit on my other side. Let me get between you two lovebirds, since my husband decided not to join me tonight. He had some boring business thing with Max and Nikolai." She was chipper than a woodpecker, we talked about everyday stuff. She was particularly smitten with my boxing hobby, and said that she was interested about joining a boxing class.

Megan mentioned me last week, that she actually helped her out of a bad situation unintentionally. She had always known how to defend herself, while Olga who had always been under the protection of her bodyguards, knows nothing about self defence. One day she decided to ditched the bodyguards, and be a wild child for a day.

That was when a group of guys, started harassing her in a nightclub. It wasn't long until her bodyguards find her, but she would be assaulted for sure if Megan didn't interrupt them and bashed a bottle on one of the pervert's head.

And since then Olga's family had played a big role in her financial life. She's now handling all of their major financial offices, she obviously got the smarts and the looks. That was a deadly combo already, but then she added a load crap of money to her name.

The dinner was almost over, I was actually enjoying the evening. Olga was a real treat of a companion for that night, and she kept on telling me about their college years. The naughty bits that she pushed Megan to do, I was laughing my heart out, when I heard her calling my name.

Fuck! God damn it! Out of all places...

"Gary?" She put her hand on my shoulder firmly, like she was making sure that I was really there. 

"Grandmother, lovely to see you this evening." I stood up and kiss her cheek, just like every time I would do when I greeted her at our breakfast visit.

"What are you doing here? I've asked you to accompany me last month and you said that you're too busy, and now here you are talking with the opposite party. I had to sell thinking you're too busy to care about your family business. And now...."

She was red in the face, I could see that she was ready to rant. I really must dragged her away, before she open her mouth and all hell break loose.

"Ladies, if you would excuse us. Grandmother, let's go and get some fresh air." I told her firmly and take her hand and put it on my arm, then guided her to the outside balcony area of the restaurant.

"You can wait in the hotel lobby, I'll take her to you when we finish talking." I told her assistant that was busy tailing behind us. He looked at grandmother and finally nodded, when she told him that he could do what I said.

"Why? I'm going to ask you again, maybe you would give me a straight answer this time. Why do you hate me so much?" She asked me. She was looking tired and older, she looked defeated.

"Because I think, you're hiding something from me, from us. I really don't care about your money, family business and all that stuff. I just want the truth. I know that there was something that made you hate mom and dad so much. Because when we would starved ourselves at night, I never knew why you wouldn't help out my mom, my parents. She was your daughter, you weren't there when we needed you the most, so why should I care about our family business or even our fucking inheritance...." I lost it, I never cursed in front of grandmother not even once.

But tonight I was so livid when she accused me that I was playing for the opponent, when in reality I didn't even know that she was one.

"You're not your father's..." Her words cuts like a razor, it was deep, it silenced me for a whole minute and it shocked me.

" you mean?" I rest my back to the wall, as I found out about the truth.

"Your mother was betrothed to a royalty, because of your grandfather's business relation with them. But her fiance took her innocence forcefully one night, and got her pregnant months before the wedding day. And because of their strict rules of before marriage pregnancy she was abandoned, but she quickly fell in love with your father months later." She started explaining herself.

"I love your mother dearly, that was why I didn't reveal your identity to your biological father. He had been asking about you several times already. Maybe I should defend her more, but your grandfather played a big role in her running away with your father. Because he was actually pushing her to be accepted back to the royal house. But she didn't love her fiance, that was when she eloped with your father." She said as she was trying to defend grandfather.

"Oh Gary, I'm so sorry..."

I didn't even realize that I shed a tear, not until she hugged me and patted my back. My chest hurts so bad, my eyes burns. I could feel my cheek was getting wet, I roughly brush it away with my hand. I never knew that this was it, maybe I should just let it be in the first place.