Chereads / MY EYES (complete) / Chapter 186 - 190 MU YAZHE RETURNS (3)

Chapter 186 - 190 MU YAZHE RETURNS (3)


The twins wake up in their father's arms jumped down and charged into the house they're in Italy. They were looking for their Ayi (Anna). They yelling on the top of their lungs the house is located in a nice village with the house been surrounded by beautiful orchids otherwise the whole village would have heard them Anna come out of the kitchen smiling at been summons by the young Master of the house.

Ting Kai sees Anna he bounces on her:" Ayi (Anna) I missed you so, so much"

Ting Feiyan:" brother I want to hug Ayi too you can't have her to your self you know sharing is caring move over " as she pushing her brother out of the way.

Anna pulls her in to embrace her:" hey my prince and Angel how are you mischievous pair did you behave on the way" she smiled at her babies they were beautiful they were growing so fast.

Ting Kai:" guess what Ayi I saw a man a who looked exactly like bro Musi and Bro Xujiu but he had Sister Xingyan eyes green I told daddy he was ringing Uncle Shinn to tell him and the rest ask Daddy I don't know" he took a breath he spoke to fast.

Anna:" prince what did you just say where did you see this man" she looked in shock at him.

Ting Kai:" Ayi in the toilet!" he smiled.

Anna:" heh! Which toilet! She looked at him what is he talking about.

Ting Feyian butted in:" silly brother of mine is this how to explain things Ayi(Anna) back at the airport he saw a man that looked like brother Musin and had my eyes daddy rung Uncle Shinn they discussed something and that's when I fell asleep sorry Ayi(Anna)" she smiled at Anna.

Anna:" okay then where is your daddy prince, Angel" she was very anxious now she needs to know.

Ting Kai:" bringing luggage in they are struggling" he chuckled.

Anna:" okay you go to your room and freshen up I will help your parents and then we will eat okay Ayi( Anna) I made all your favourite" she waved them off with the housemaid who showed them to their room.

Anna walked towards the door her head was all over the place all she could hope for that it was him could it be Mu Yazhe had their long search would come to an end that he is actually alive but what after that she didn't know that just now.

Anna walked out at her sister and brother in law pulling the luggage out of the van.

Ting Jun and Amelia were still outside gathering the luggage they had a lot:" Amelia honey the only thing you left behind is the kitchen sink isn't it I mean what is all this I told you I would buy the everything just pack essentials" he sighed at the sight of everything they had to carry in.

Amelia:" these are the essentials honey you have to remember we have two kids that need their things and don't like leaving things behind" she looked at her husband it's not me. But she knew it was her she starts off small then it accumulates.

Anna first watched the pair they always looked so good together they were made for each other the way they took out the luggage they worked well together unlike when they all arrived they were fighting who's luggage was whose she walked over she hugged them both.

Anna:" what are you doing the staff will take the luggage in so why are you guys struggling" she looked at her brother in law face he was vexed.

Ting Jun:" really sis in law can you sort it I need to make some important calls I was supposed to make them on the plane but git distracted" he walked off with his phone.

Amelia:" hey blue rose how are you I missed you baby sister you've lost so much weight are you not eating your cakes " she looked at her sister lovingly as she chuckled.

Anna:" hey jade I'm well and I eat like everybody else I can't help my sweet tooth" she looked at

Anna wants to ask Ting Jun she want to know so badly she walked over to where he was as soon as he finished his call she asked:" could I talk to about something" she wanted to know so desperately.

Ting was about to Answer when another call came in he quickly answered he looked at Anna lifting his finger to say one moment.

Amelia smiled she knew what her sister wanted to ask:" he has not said much but he has been very busy on his phone since we left it seems to be stressing him out he is been grumpy" she looked over at Ting Jun on his phone.

Anna:" oh okay why don't you go in and freshen up I will tell the staff you deal with your luggage" she smiled and hugged Amelia.

Amelia headed inside Anna turned to Ting Jun she walked over and looked at him she smiled and she wanted to talk to him but she was busy he had his back turned so he wasn't paying attention. Ann heard a little bit of the conversation he was confirming that it was Mu Yazhe. Anna could feel her heart beating like drum she so wanted it to him.

Anna:" hey bro can I ask you something please" she was finding it harder and harder to breath she wanted to know was it him.

Ting Jun:" what is it sis in law" he looked at her. He could see her reaction did she know? how? Wait for that brat his son.

Anna:" did you see Yazhe today was it him bro in law" please answer me she looked at his face hoping for the answer she waited for.

Anna's heart was pounding like crazy was him he appeared. After all these years he is alive? That was the main thing he is alive!

Ting Jun:" I just checked with Mu Shinn and it is confirmed it's him Sis in law he has been in the army for the past six years but sweet sis in law you have to listen to me it's important you understand okay! Yazhe has lost his memory he doesn't recognise anyone of us so my sweet sis in law doesn't be too sad he will come round okay" he pulled Anna in for hug he held her shaking body tightly. He didn't know how else to comfort her.

Anna was shaking she couldn't believe it he was alive they finally found him well and okay she deep down always knew he was alive if she had been waiting for almost 7 years she was right if he didn't want to found he couldn't but now he merged out of the darkness himself.

Wait a minute he lost his memory so he doesn't remember any of us that means he forgot me oh? That well that explains a lot of doesn't it Anna had a whirlpool going on her head with a lot of questions but no answers?just more questions. Why was she walking with them people voluntary seven years ago before he disappeared?

Anna:" bro in law where is now! can I see him can I touch him! did he come with you" Anna was losing control she didn't what was happening to her.

Ting Jun grabbed Anna and hugged her again:" clam down sis in law big bro Shinn is looking into it and once he gets back to us we will know for sure then my silly sis in law can run into his arms okay and spill out seven years of grievances" he ruffled the top of her head as he smiled he side hugged her and walked into the house.

They all sat down for dinner and talked about all sorts mostly the twins talked and everyone listens, boy, could they talk none stop. It was bedtime the twins ran to find Anna they wanted her to read a story Anna smiled she didn't mind she story when she was at him for her grandchildren all the time so she took them up they settle in she told them a bedtime story soon they were asleep.

Anna left the room she headed to find Mu Xujiu (little Tiger) and Anthony she jumped into Anthony's arms told them what she had found out Mu Xujiu ( little Tiger) promised he would find out everything before morning. Anna was happy as she walked out with them they were going on.

Anthony was so happy he saw Anna smile after a long time it wasn't a cloud of smoke that she faked for the world it was coming from her heart.

Anna remembered they had a mission to complete too Mission damsel in distress Anna favourite was go?

They all got ready geared up ready for their mission.

As they arrived at the location it was heavily guarded Anna inspected the whole area they also checked the heat sensors they could see where there were hostages been held they also notice they were more than a few people there but no problem they wouldn't mind saving a few more.

Anna did her thing headed to the top of the building and looked down on everything she marked out the targets she told he rest what she could see and where she would land. Then she jumped down like a bat out of hell she took most of the guards there easy as 123 she moved towards the room where the hostages were held as she approached Anthony came from the other side he smiled at his baby girl it had been a while since he had been on a mission with her he missed them all.

Anna notice there was a wire across the door at the bottom she pointed so Anthony could see he then checked the rest of the door there was something attached the door handle Anna thought so the kidnappers had laid out traps and they expected them to fall for it she smiled and thought my kind of challenge. But this so old school what did the kidnappers have a budget for upgrade tech.

Anna looked around then she saw a window leading into the room Anna checked the window they were no wire attach there Anna thought dump kidnappers they left them self's wide open.

Anna crawled in and saw she wasn't surprised there were two women as three men and two children tied up Anna noticed they had bombs attached the body of each victim. Anna was shocked they had even attached the bomb to the kid's Anna thought alright adults understandable but children this is too much she would teach the leader of this kidnappers a good lesson when she caught him. She was go8ng to save all the bombs and attached it to that man/ lady she didn't know.

Anna checked the bombs they were the standard type they were easy enough to disarm. As Anna approached the lady that they originally came to rescue she comes to rescue she started crying hysterically saying don't come near her save the others and leave she was happy to accept this fate for life was worst than tolerable living with her husband she would rather be dead she couldn't return to her parents and she didn't want to return her husbands house. Anna stopped and looked at the lady she know time was of the essence they needed to disarm and get out quick.

She approached the lady hugging her and claiming her down asked her to calm down they could talk once they were out of this place.

The lady looked at Anna she went quiet and listen to Anna the lady didn't know why but she trusted Anna she calm down and let Anna disarms the bombs. Then she found a similar matching body's and sat them the places of the people they resued they attached the bombs on their body's as they all walked out.

As Anna and her team walked out they lit the bombs so there would have to exit pretty fast when they got in the vehicle and started moving away the bombs went off it was like fireworks in the summer going off one after the other they manage to escape as they met at the base they made for temporary uses at the time they didn't realise it would become their second base. They didn't know what to do with all the kidnapped people they rescued.

Once they established who each one was and was safe to send them home they send them on their way part from the beautiful Italian lady she refuses to go home she begged them she didn't want to go saying it was her husband who had her kidnapped with kill order after receiving the money.

She wants her dead because they didn't love each other and she was an obstacle in the way of the husband and his mistress. He couldn't bring his mistress home until she was dead.

Anna felt for her they decided to let her stay with them for a while until they could figure out something. She couldn't go back to her family there were also cruel and they put reputation above all to the point where she got pregnant and had a baby out of Wedlock they hid her and her baby until this so-called husband took a liking to her and wanted to marry her then they took her child away and they told her they killed her they then forced her to marry her husband. When the husband found out she wasn't a virgin the cruelty started.

He wanted I know who the person was who she lost her virginity to when she didn't speak he tortured her then he started to bring home his mistress then make her watch while he was being inmate with her she told all the dirty details that took place this beautiful lady cried her heart out. Anna felt her hurt and pain Anna decided that she wouldn't let this lady go back and be someone's punchbag she could stay with them she thought about taken her back to China with her.