Chereads / MY EYES (complete) / Chapter 206 - 197: MU YAZHE RECOVERS HIS MEMORIES (3)


Author note( sorry for the delay)

In the office, Mu Yazhe was not going through some documents that Mu Musin ( little Rock) had giving him to check the door knocked.

Mu Xingyan(Little Blessing):" hey dad are you in there can I come in" she smiled.

Mu Yazhe:" hey sweetheart come in" he smiled.

Mu Xingyan( Little Blessing) open the door came she walked in sat on the chair as she looked her father to see what he wanted.

Mu Yazhe looked at his daughter she turns out to be a beautiful woman he couldn't believe she was married he would have personally chosen Li Jun as her husband but then he wasn't the one that loves him it was his daughter she was happy that what mattered the most.

Mu Yazhe:" sweetheart I call to talk to about your mother" he needed to see how she reacted at the mention of her mother.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing):" what about her" there was no emotion just like she mentioned a person in passing.

Mu Yazhe:" why do hate her sweetheart" he needs the underlying reason before he could tell her the truth he also needed to know how much his mother had brainwashed his daughter.

Mu Xingyan(little Blessing):" well the things she did dad I understand that in our line of work sometimes we don't have a choice but mum turn on the family I mean, your girlfriend grandma granddad Beng and his family and papa grandma Han as well she is responsible she married firstly Papa then she caused his death then she seduced you and marry you so she has all money and power she doesn't care about anybody just her self how her childhood was shit and she suffered. Why does everybody have to pay for her suffering and neglect maybe she deserved all that she got because she is just a despicable woman she isn't fit a wife, daughter in law, mother, or grandmother" she looked at her father he could see the anger in her eyes.

Mu Yazhe couldn't believe that his mother had this much capability to completely turn a child against her mother. he listens to Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) saying why she hated her so much. That was a lot his mother was alive he would have punished her himself.

Mu Yazhe:" sweetheart what about the fact your mother give birth to you and she loves unconditionally she gives you what you ask you for she trained you to be the person you are today and most of all she had your back she even took a bullet for you while my mother did a runner left us there to die " he sighed what else could he do.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing):" Yeah that's true as well I am grateful for that but it doesn't change the facts But that's what she suppose to that she's my mother she owes me that much" she sopke as it was not her someone else.

Mu Yazhe sighed:" well okay that is your opinion but I am here to correct you're the wrong that is done so I want you to listen and not speak until I have finished okay" he spoke the commander he was.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) didn't speak just nodded that she would listen she knew her daddy was serious now so it was best just listen.

Mu Yazhe:" I start at the beginning okay for mother didn't con anybody in becoming pregnant it was my fault I was told to watch her I did something I shouldn't have with her she was unconscious at the time. Then your Papa was in England he found her just as she was about to jump off the cliff he found out she was pregnant and I was the father but he couldn't get hold of me so he did the next best thing he married her and brought her here but by then I couldn't interfere so I let it be your mother still did know I was your biological father. She lived with your papa but there was no husband and wife relationship they lived together. As for you papa and Grandma huns death has nothing to do with your mother that's was a family conflict that was ongoing when we found your papa and Grandma Hun the scene was horrendous I think you're old enough to know the truth, the so call Grandpa Beng raped his sister and then let his subordinate rape her too and made his nephew your papa watch then he killed them. After that, we all went on the hunt for them all and we all responsible for wiping them out. When Anna found Grandpa Beng she saw the man who raped her mother your Nanna and ruined her life so she took his life she didn't know he was Beng the man we were looking for. As for the money and greed your mother had did you see her spend our money or buy anything expensive she is married to a billionaire but she never brought anything she didn't need she never used the credit cards giving to her ever her most expensive item is her motorbike now she has handed everybody's share to them and the money from the shares you will see that she never used any of anybody's money she never used the money I gave her too she only spend the money she earned doing her missions. As for my mother, she always sides with her brother and his children she didn't care for her flesh and blood she betrayed us, again and again, you have seen it that day she left us all to die that day she didn't take into account that her husband, children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren we're in that room the house that could never be infiltrates were bombarded with assassins that would never even look this way she was shot running away not protecting us. I knew my mother and her wrongdoings better than anyone I let your mother down a lot of times siding with my mother and hiding the truth from her" she looked at his daughter.

Mu Yazhe saw his daughter who had tears flowing down she was silently sobbing he walked over and hugged her tightly he knew how she felt he had a lot of guilt inside of him he wonders whether Anna would forgive or not? Deep down he knows she would not he had broken her to the core he remembers her words she has drawn a line under their relationship what had he done?

Mu Xingyan( little blessing) she sobbed:" sorry mm Mummy I didn't know I believed grandma why did she lie to Daddy" she hugged her father tightly.

Mu Yazhe:" sorry baby girl for all of this I am so sorry you git caught up in this war with the Bengs I should wipe them all out when I had the chance your mama was right we would pay a big prise for letting him escape I should have been here for you but I was tricked too by I should have listened to my gut it was telling me your mother was right? He didn't know how to fix it.

My Xingyan(little Blessing):" Daddy we need to fix this mess it is our mess and say sorry to Mummy I was horrible to her she never once did she shouted or corrected me she just walks away she is the best she was willing to give her life for mine it just showed she loved me and I flinged her away she didn't even think for one minute the person is willing to sacrifice their life for you love you unconditionally why did I not see that why did see all the negatives about Mummy Daddy please how do I fix this help me" she sobbed.

Mu Yazhe didn't like to see his baby girl like this it hurt so much but it had to be done so they could begin to fix it:" you and me both need to fix this together sweetheart I promise I will find a way"

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing):" Daddy do you remember everything now " she looked surprised.

Mu Yazhe:" yeah I remember everything now it's time to bring your Mummy home sweetheart we're she belongs I hope I am still her home " he sighed.

Mu Xingyan(little Blessing):" yeah Daddy let's bring Mummy home" she was so sorry about what she had done.

Mu Yazhe phone rung it was from the base he talked on the phone as he finished the call he looked over at his daughter:" I have to go it's important we will talk later" he walked out in a hurry.

As Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) came out of the room bumped into Li Na who was home for the holidays. Li Na saw her sisters swollen eyes she was worried what happen she hugged her sister tightly:" want happen Meimei why are you so upset? who did it? I will make them pay dearly" she was ready to pond who made her Meimei cry.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) chuckled at her antics:" it was Daddy how will you make him pay"

Li Na has stumped:" Daddy did it why? Did she know daddy never said boo to them so want happening? She was so confused right now also she couldn't even hide her daddy she loved him too much.

Mu Xingyan(little Blessing) chuckled:" Daddy explained everything to me I was so wrong and I wronged mummy so awfully I don't know how I am going to make it up to her" she hugged Li Na tightly and sobbed more.

Li Na patted her back:" hush Meimei we will fix this and we will do it together in for a penny in for pound remember mummy use say to us all the time never understood it but we are all together that's all I know" he chuckled.

Mu Xingyan ( little Blessing):" thank-you for always being here for me even when I was wrong you were all there for me this is what family is isn't it" she chuckled and sobbed at the same time.

Mu Musin was walking from outside he saw his sisters hugging and crying he walked over he didn't say or ask anything he just hugged them.

Ash and Li Jun came out of the surveillance room to see the scene they all joined the hug they also didn't know what has happened.

Benjamin walked in from outside he saw they were all hugging he could see his Meimei in tears me walked over and hugged too.

Luquan walked down the stairs, with Zhi Longboy they saw want was happening they joined the group.

The older shadow guards came in on the scene in front of them they found the scene so familiar they all walked over and joined the hug as the all released from the hug they all smiled at each other it had been a long time since they came together.

Ed saw Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) eyes what had happened he pulled her to one side he looked at her:" what's the up little boss? who did it? Are you hurt somewhere?

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) lept into his arms she sobbed more:" Grandpa Ed it was Daddy but he told me the truth about Grandma and Mummy that's why we need to bring Mummy home I need say sorry to be a hero I have let her down badly I have let the family down and I have let the shadow guards down!" he looked at her uncle with her big Green eyes she so reminded him of her mum at this moment he smiled as he hugged his little boss.

Ed:" okay good that we can do I am in" he smiled and hugged her he was so happy that his granddaughter had seen the truth finally.

Mu Xingyan( little Blessing) told everybody she was holding a meeting in the living later to discuss a plan to bring Mummy home. She was going to need every on board.

Author note( sorry once again for the delay I'll try to keep up for next time all comments good or bad are welcome if I need to make improvements please let me know thank you)