Chereads / MY EYES (complete) / Chapter 105 - 105 LEARN FROM THE MASTERS (1)

Chapter 105 - 105 LEARN FROM THE MASTERS (1)

Anthony:" let's train together it's been a while baby girl please be gentle on me my dark knight" he bowed down in front of Anna.

Anna giggled and said:" since you said dark knight you know the training is also going to be intense let's make a wager my dear uncle"

Anna needs a good workout she hadn't had a hand to hand combat, with Anthony in a while so she was going to have fun and she needed to try the new moves she learned from Master Isaac. But she did feel for Anthony he didn't know she was going use him for practice target if he knew he would have run away from the training ground.

Anthony:" I wouldn't want it any other way it would be my honour to be your punch bag baby girl and what would my baby girl like to bet on" he gulped the saliva in his throat he knew he was going to regret it but training with Anna was always intense he never took it easy on Anna because he knew she could take everything he throws at her. but she did the same which always showed where their weakness lies where they need to improve. And what was she betting this was never good in the past it always ended in him tattling on something because he would always lose.

Anna:" well if you lose today I want to know why you don't have a girlfriend and it better be true not one of your fans fiction on story stolen from some drama" she wanted to know and to find what kind of women her uncle would be into so she could find a partner.

Anthony:" okay I will tell you the truth since we found my niece I still feel responsible for it" Anthony lived this guilt every day when he looked at Ed it made it worse if only he could go back in time and stop his sister meeting his stupid girlfriend. He had never told a soul what happened that night which was eating him up inside. May be by telling Anna he could release his tension that was always there.

As they reached the grounds Anthony stopped in his tracks Anna wasn't paying attention landed straight in his back as she moved back and rubbed her nose she was about to say something she looked up and saw Master Isaac and Master Chung practice they martial arts they looked like they were dancing not practising there movement we're in sync with each other and they complimented each other so beautifully. Anna thought she was watching some ancient movie it was so cool. Anna and Anthony stood there with other mouths hanged open they looked at them then at each other. They both reached out and closed each other mouth without saying a word.

Anna:" do you think we will be that good" Anna was amazed at the way they were gliding and sliding you couldn't see there who made what move.

Anthony:" not in a million years" Anthony wanting to be able to move like this it would be so amazing.

They watched them for a while until Master Isaac noticed he smiled and hand gestured them to come over Anna and Anthony looked at each other as they walked, over.

Master Isaac:" practice with us Anna you with me Anthony you with Master Chung" Master secretly loved his Granddaughters the most from his children and grandchildren he was strict with them the girls because of what happened to their mother he didn't want to happen to Jaden to repeat itself.

Anthony and Anna bowed and then walked over to their places the work out turned out be intense than they hoped for but it was what Anna needed after a bit Anthony was completely shattered. Master Chung saw him and asked him to rest as they watched Anna and Master Isaac he couldn't believe that Anna could keep, up with Master Isaac but she did somehow and she just as elegantly as Master Isaac they also looked like they were dancing not fighting they were in sync with each other she moved so gracefully she slides and glided block every attack she had never looked so beautiful fully focused on what she was doing Anthony couldn't help but take his phone and record everything. After Master Isaac and Anna had completed the training he hugged Anna. It came as a surprise no matter how hard she couldn't get used to this side of Master Isaac he was always so cold and hard to approach.

Master Isaac:" Anna you have come a long way from you clumsy way of fighting well done my child" Master Isaac always knew out of his children and grandchildren she would be the one to excel to be the same level as him today she just proved that. He always secretly watch her train every day and always saw how hard she worked even when she was injured he had the urge to run to her but the last moment he would let his big eye get in the way he regrets it now. But he couldn't blame anyone it was his own fault.

Anna:" thank you, Master, Isaac" Anna bowed down in front of granddad she loved the attention she was receiving from Master Isaac she always craved for his attention however small, it might be but on this level, Anna wanted to burst out crying with joy she waited for this, a moment for 30 years of being alive with all the torment she had gone through. Anna finally got the recognition she always wanted and it felt just as good as she had always imaged.

Anna held Anthony left the ground as they walked Anthony could feel something was up with Anna but he did know they walked until they were out of site then Anna flopped on the ground and tears flowed down her face she wants to scream out loud but didn't dare in case someone heard her Anthony looked worriedly at her. Anthony hugged Anna stuck her face in his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist and let the tears flow her he didn't know what just happen to his baby girl his heart beat faster with the fear building up inside of him his bubbly child just collapsed on the floor and there were silent tears he has seen her before and consoled her before Anna was silent Cryer it was old man Isaac fault he would punish her if he ever saw her crying or even making a sound or face like she was crying so she learned to shed silent tears it always broke his heart to see her like this.

Anthony, " baby girl are you hurt wants to wrong please tell me" Anthony panicked what wrong one minute she fine the next she fell too, the ground it's was an intense work out maybe she hurt herself but Anna wasn't one to cry like this if she was injured it was more this crying was different she was letting go of her grievances.

Anna didn't speak she just held on tighter to Anthony and let the tears flow. Anthony held her in his arms as rubbed her back to comfort her he didn't know what else he could do. Then it came to him he messaged Jack(sixth Uncle)he would know what to do. Sixth Uncle arrived quickly he pulled Anna over into his embrace and held her tightly. His heart hurt seen his baby girl cry.

Sixth Uncle:" what is up with my sweet baby girl"

Anna whispered:" I am sorry to worry you all but I was so happy and sad at the same time I couldn't control my emotion I still can't believe that he is the same Master Isaac I wonder have they send a clone"

Anthony and sixth Uncle burst out laughing they couldn't believe Anna was being so serious they both thought the same thing they couldn't make an another Master Isaac if they tried he was a one of kind specimen.

Both men knew she was releasing years of anguish that was inside of her so they stayed just like they were until Anna fell asleep she was whining in her sleep she looked so cute their heart melted seeing her like this.

Anthony:" she reminds of when she was small when she would have the same reoccurring nightmare and she would wake up, crying then she would go back to sleep she would whimper from time to time" he was reminded about when she was small and now really she was still the small child for him.

Sixth Uncle:" yeah she is still my baby girl I didn't even know when she grows into this beautiful woman and her own beautiful children" he looked at his beautiful niece in his arms as he carried her back to her room.

Anthony told Sixth Uncle about finding Jackie and whom she was. Which left a surprised Sixth Uncle.

Sixth Uncle:" didn't I tell you she looked and behave like her mother she was just as spicy as her I was right wow she is my best friends child she left a piece of her behind how is Ed I bet he is on top of the world today he has his baby girl I can't wait to see them" he really felt for his mate/bro he deserves this happiness it was long overdue.

They placed Anna in her bed and covered her Sixth Uncle kissed her forehead and both men left to find Ed they wanted to congratulate him on becoming a long overdue father. They found him in his room looking at the picture of his wife and Jackie sitting next to him while he told her about her mother what she was like and her likes and dislikes which were similar to Jackie. Both men walked over and hugged Ed tightly.

Sixth Uncle:" hey man congrats on becoming a father I am proud of you " he was lighting the mood he didn't want waterworks which he knew we're going to come.

Anthony:" same her man I am so happy" he looked at his niece he was going to spoil her rotten they all looked after Jackie since she was small when she came to live with them she never went without she had all the things all the other kids had at school eg mobiles laptop I pad the latest gadgets the best sportswear she was treated the same as Anna and Amelia and the rest of the younger shadow guards when she was unwell they stayed up turn by turn to keep an eye on her but now she had become more special because she was part of his sister and he had a lot of guilt to release that he had accumulated over the years that had taken his sleep away. He had a lot to make up for he felt it was his fault that coarse what happen to his sister what was worse he had to watch everything he couldn't sleep without having the same nightmare over and over again watching that bastard violate his sister he wouldn't even wish it on his worse enemy. This was the reason he took an extra care of Jenny because the situation they found her in he went crazy he murdered each one of them.

Ed:" Thanks bro's I, can't believe that she mange to give birth and leave her outside the church it doesn't make sense where did she go after I want to an investigate this matter again she may be still alive I have a feeling that I have never been able to shake so I am going to go with it and investigate but don't tell Jackie anything at the moment until I can confirm one way or the other"