Chereads / MY EYES (complete) / Chapter 94 - 95 SHE IS MINE

Chapter 94 - 95 SHE IS MINE

Anna fell asleep the minute her head touched the pillow she was tired and aching in places she didn't think you could ache. This is the aftermath of the weird combination of pleasure and pain she had just experienced.

Mu Yazhe, on the other hand, couldn't sleep he was still thinking about what just happened he was delighted with the result he looked at his sleeping beauty she was a beauty in and out he couldn't believe she was his she was type most men would literally kill to have someone like her next to them. He was proud of her she gave the most amazing children and gave herself to him what more could he ask for. If he died today he would die happy. He kissed Anna on the lips as he cuddled into her he slowly fell asleep too.

The next morning they were bombarded by the children they had been doing this ever since Anna came back from the hospital. Little Tiger was also very observant if his Mummy now since he has seen the video. As they pounced on the sleeping parents Anna laughed loudly Mu Yazhe heard Anna he chuckled at the seen in front of him he was content with his family and extended family. Mu Yazhe may have lost his best friend/ brother but he also gained new brothers and friends wifey and children. After a lot of giggling and tickling they all got up to get dressed. The children went downstairs to train with the shadow guards and their own team. Mu Yazhe took Anna to the bathroom.

As Anna removed her top she notices that there were bloodstains on it the back was still healing the activities from last night has some wounds to open up. She sighed at the sight but was surprised that Mu Yazhe was not disgusted by all the wounds on her body. He had actually if she remembers correctly he kissed every scar in her body like to tell he was not affected. Suddenly the bathroom door flew open Mu Yazhe walked over while Anna was still half-naked her top was off he grabbed her shoulders and turned her around to look at her back he walked her over to the walk-in wardrobe sat her on the seat they had in there he took out the ointment he gently rubbed it on her back.

Mu Yazhe whispered:" I sorry Little Demon for been rough with you last night"

Anna was still reeling what just happened and looked at him in silent with an expressionless face. How did he know and what was that she was in the bathroom almost fully naked she knows that they were intimate last night but there is still something called personal space or is that just for single people married couples don't have personal space. She needed to set boundaries with him so they can respect each other's privacy, especially in the bathroom.

Mu Yazhe whispered again:" I am really very sorry Little Demon" Mu Yazhe placed a sports bra on then a black cotton shirt on he button her shirt he placed a kiss on her lips.

Anna was still staring blankly at him she smiled at him she just didn't know how to respond to an overpowering caring worrywart.

Mu Yazhe:" Little Demon speaks to me are you alright does not hurt anywhere"

Anna shook her head and hugged Mu Yazhe he didn't why but he was happy until he felt wet on his chest she was crying he was even more anxious.

Mu Yazhe:" Hey Little Demon I am truly sorry I never meant to cause you any pain I love you know I wouldn't hurt intentionally"

Anna" I am not hurting or in any pain but I am happy and I don't know why I am crying"

Most of it mumbled but Mu Yazhe heard it. He was so relieved that she wasn't in any pain but he would never understand women they cry when they're happy and they cry when they are sad they cry. Mu Yazhe was there every time Anna had something to cry about he was the one always comfort her wasn't just a coincidence or is because she knows he will comfort her she always falls asleep after she has cried too. Which happen right now Anna had fallen asleep in his arms standing up only she could do this he had never seen it before. He picked her princess style and place back in bed. He kissed her forehead and sat there he gazed at her for a long time he looked at her face and smiled to himself. He still couldn't believe that last night he was making her his the passionate night that he has experienced throughout it was mystifying he was unsure whether he had dreamt. If the was a dream he didn't want to wake up. Mu Yazhe pecked her lips he moved away but it wasn't enough he never back and kissed her he moved away but he was satisfied he deepens the kiss only to release when Anna opened her eyes and moved him back as she gasped for air. Anna looked at him angrily he smiled like a little girl Anna thought he looked too cute to shout at so she smiled at him.

Anna:" were you trying to suck the air out of me you know I am not an oxygen tank every time you please come to suck the air out"

Mu Yazhe didn't know whether to laugh or cry at his wife comments:" little Demon I was kissing you not sucking your air next I will try that "

Anna:" what next time in your dream now I know your intention you won't be kissing these lips they are of bounds to you"

Mu Yazhe:" huh? What! You can't do that you are not allowed they are mine I will do what I want okay" he spoke angrily.

Anna:" we will see about that and they mine they are stuck on my face so they're mine okay"

Mu Yazhe moved closer and pecked Anna's lips he smiled there I kissed them:" there what are you going to do"

Anna was surprised by this move. Anna didn't know how to respond so she kissed his lips" I am taking it back"

Mu Yazhe kissed her again:" no return you can't take back okay,"

Anna kissed him:" yes return mine"

Mu Yazhe kissed her:" no mine"

Anna kissed him:" no mine" then she covered her mouth so Mu Yazhe couldn't kiss her any more.

Mu Yazhe moved her hand and held them above Anna's head and kissed her then deepen the kiss until Anna stops struggling she just responded to the kiss as he released her they breathed heavily for air.

Mu Yazhe:" you are my little demon"

Anna wants to say something Mu Yazhe looked at her:" I going to kiss you if you speak"

Anna:" I am yours okay" she smiled at him cheekily.

They both chuckled their childish behaviour. Anna soon fell back to sleep.

Anna was going to see Master Chung soon and she would to alright he would have the right herbal medicine to heal her wounds and she could practise her martial arts where there with no restrictions. Anna had secretly practised her martial arts without anyone knowing that's why she was extra tired she couldn't help but she needed to get back in shape. Anna lived in a world you look over your shoulder all the time you never what lurked in the mist. Anna smiled while sleeping she was happy.

Mu Yazhe stared at her making strange faces while sleeping he thought what is she dreaming about she smiling then she is frowning she sure one of a kind. Mu Yazhe walked over to the side took his laptop out he had work pending some decided to finish while she was asleep he wanted to spend as much time as possible with her before she goes for three months. The triplets had were grown-up fast they were soon lead there own lives he thought would Anna agree to have more children then he remembers her labour he shudders and puts the idea out of his head. The door knocks diverting his attention from his thoughts.

Mu Yazhe:" come in"

Ed:" morning is my Little Boss awake"

Mu Yazhe:" she was but she went back to sleep"

Ed:" oh I just want to tell, her the arrangement has been made for us to go to the valley "

Mu Yazhe:" Ed! Master Chung how did Anna come across him"

Ed:" when Anna was on one of her mission she was badly injured Zain contacted Jack who told him about Master Chung we went to see him and apparently Anna already knew him she had done some training with him when he was visiting England he dotes on Anna so she becomes his adopted granddaughter"

Mu Yazhe:" she makes family everywhere she goes doesn't she"

Ed smiled:" my angel is special" he gazed at with a doting look.

Mu Yazhe:" oh Ed could you tell me why Anna doesn't like swimming"

Ed looked surprised:" you didn't know some is thanks to Beng the rest is thanks to you"

Mu Yazhe:" me how" he was so surprised.

Ed:" the first time was when the warehouse exploded and it threw her into the river we looked for a long time before we found her she just barely survived we nearly lost her that time she had to be resuscitated when she almost got over her fear you threw her in the pool after that she refused. If you try she has an anxiety attack once Master Isaac threw her in the river trying to shake the fear she froze and nearly drowned Master Isaac was strict he wouldn't let anyone rescue her until Att and Jack found they came running over dive in and saved her"

Mu Yazhe was shocked that he was the cause of Anna's fear. He felt a pain in his heart moreover he was the cause a lot Anna's problems. He was left with more guilt he couldn't get over how strict her Granddad was with her. He glanced at Anna sleeping peacefully and though she doesn't talk about her past grievances or the strict upbringing she just gets on with it like it doesn't bother her what is she made from. He saw her in a new light he vowed to himself he was going to be the reason she is happy from now on he was going to give her everything including himself he would be her slave from this moment on.