Chereads / MY EYES (complete) / Chapter 75 - 75 DARK KNIGHT (3)

Chapter 75 - 75 DARK KNIGHT (3)

James had connected the live feed to all the shadow guards, sixth Uncle Jack, Att, and even Mu Yazhe and Anna other Uncles what he didn't realise is the feed from the room was going viral all the underworld was watching too including her father Kang Jun they were all watching Anna getting beaten but the could see her eyes which were still smiling but they weren't it was painful for them to watch. Sixth Uncle Jack and his men and Att and his men made it to the warehouse they had informed the rest of the Uncles they were on there way too. So was Mu Yazhe and his men Mu Yahze was hurting it was pain full to watch his girl taken a beaten from all those men so much so each strike on Anna was like someone was hitting him in his heart. He was going to kill each and every one of them he was going to return everything with interest he wants to set them alight and watch their corpse burn he was on the phone with Ed to get any updates.

Anna father was also watching his baby girl been beaten he couldn't lose her He had just found her he almost lost his wife twenty years and didn't know of his girl's existence and now again it was time to call in the favours he had acquired over the years from the underworld he took out his phone and dialled a few numbers and gave a command:" wake the sleeping Royals they are needed I will meet you at the coordinates sent"

Kang Jung goes his study and pressed the button on the wall the book cabinet moved behind it was a room with a supercomputer and other equipment he took out that he needed and left closing it behind him then headed out to where they were all going to gather.

In the warehouse hall, the beating still taking place Uncle told the men to stop he didn't want to kill her just that he wants his dear mother and father to watch him kill there Blue Eyed Beast. He woke his mother up and his father by pouring water on them.

Uncle Jacko:" well it's nice of the two of you to join the party look I got a present for you you're precious Blue Eyed Beast should I kill you two first and let that one watch or should kill it you then your wife let that one watch what fun I going to have today watching your precious leave the world today the underworld will thank me you know"

Master Isaac:" Why are you doing this boy what do you hope to achieve by doing this you shameless integrate"

Uncle Jacko:" I am going to take the title of King in the Royals"

Master Isaac:" you know you have to earn the title fair and square there certain criteria that have to be met before you can become the king not by killing your one you have no loyalty"

Uncle Jacko:" do you think you were ever going to give me the title I decide this is the best way to snatch it from you"

Master Isaac:" you know I no longer hold the title it's already been given to its the rightful owner"

Uncle Jacko:" of course I did but I'm still going enjoy killing you"

He actually didn't know the title had been giving but who would father give it to elder brother was injured so he wouldn't be able to take it to be one of his brothers but which one that young one he has always been his favourite but he's in America.

Uncle Jacko:" what fairness are you talking about you didn't even give me a chance to fight for the title"

Master Isaac:" you lost that privilege when you sided with Mu Beng to destroy the others and when you lured your sister to that monster"

Uncle Jacko:" you know about that"

Master Isaac:" I know everything that my children do wrong or right I always know from the first time you headed down this route I have known"

Uncle Jacko:" good so I don't have to explain anything to you"

Master Isaac:" I should have punished you the first time but you mother stopped me saying you would change and she didn't want to lose another child she was grieving her only daughter but I should have known that the brother who handed his sister to the enemy and listens to her screams and did nothing then slept like he didn't have a conscious or a heart was lost and there was returning for him"

Uncle Jacko:" well least you know that I was the one who took Jaden under false pretences if she had listened and just given in stop been stubborn she would be alive today"

Grandma Maarika:" I am disgusted that I give birth to you. If I had known then you were the course of Jaden's death then I would have never stop your father punishing you"

Anna could hear everything she could still see out of one eye she could see her Grandparents struggling she needs to know who had the remote then she would know who to attack and free her grandparents. She closed her eyes and turn her sense to help, her she was trained to fight even if she could not see she sensed that the man in the corner was fidgeting with his hands the others were too busy waiting for commands like dogs waiting for a bone Auntie Jackie is texting on her phone who is she texting if that's the case then that would mean the mastermind is not Uncle he's the puppet a stupid one at that they are going to kill him the minute he leaves here the dragons don't like anyone who is not loyal to there own families they don't trust this kind people and especially if they are trying to kill Master Isaac.

Anna just needed to get the man in the corner and get the switch off him then she will deal the rest. What she didn't know the whole team had gathered outside to rescue them. Even Mu Yazhe had arrived and all the uncles made it Mu Yazhe told Ed and the others not to tell Anna he was here.

Ed:" my sweet pea how are you holding up"

Anna whispered:" I am okay Uncle this is nothing remember we've had it worse"

Ed:" yes my sweet pea you hold on kid we're coming in"

Anna:" don't they have attached a bomb to Grandma and I am still trying to figure out who is holding the switch "

Uncle Jack:" what did you say, baby girl, that bastard put a bomb on mum"

Because of Uncle Jack speaking loudly all the others gather around they were fuming "how could he she is his mum too" said the first uncle. "He is longer sane in the head he's been like that since he arrived that bitch" said second Uncle. "He has to pay with his life as far I am concerned, he is no longer my brother" said third Uncle. "How could he okay father I understand but mother and Anna they never harmed him ever" said fifth Uncle.

Anna didn't know they were all watching how good she really was the younger five shadow guards were crying watching. At this time Kang Jung and his team had arrived the younger generation were all surprised to see the older generation had come too"

Mu Yazhe:" what are you doing here Dad, Uncles"

Mu Yale:" were here for my daughter"

The rest:" We are here for the same reasons"

They all looked at each other. What would Anna make of this knowing how many people's lives she had touched that they all gathered for Anna would be emotional if she could see them gathered outside. Anna had gathered the great five families in one place that had been a meeting over 5 years.

Anthony:" were coming in my baby girl" he couldn't watch any more his we're red withnanger .

Anna whispered:" please don't they put bombs on the doors they clicked on when I walked in and they strapped bombs on grandma and Master Isaac"So no sudden movements until you checked where the other bombs are located "

Anthony:" my baby girl you are okay"

Anna whispered:" never better Uncle have I told you how much I love you guys"

Anthony:" hold in there we are coming, my baby girl and I love you too"

Anna whispered:" remember my little blessing says I am built like a tank it's going to take a lot more to bring me down"

Big thug came back he punched Anna in the stomach and laughed.

Big thug:" you sure a little pipsqueak aren't you"

Anna chuckled:" That what my Grandma calls me untie me and then ask me then I will tell you" as Anna spat out blood.

Big thug:" feisty little fellow aren't you"

Anna looked at him confused did he just call me a dude did the fourth Uncle not tell them I was a girl. How nice he is protecting my honour just to kill me should I feel happy or thankful? When the big thug punched on the side of her head the room span around she felt like closing her eyes but she wasn't going down like this not now it's time to show Master Isaac she deserves a pat on the back she shook her head and bit her tongue as not to lose consciousness.

Aunt Jackie:" you're not going to break her will power like this she is very resilient let's torture mother in law instead I have always wanted to see this elegant lady scream she is too patient for my liking"

Anna looked at Aunt Jackie pleading with her eyes don't touch her if you know what's good for you don't touch her Anna didn't speak she needed to see if Uncle would step in or has he lost all his emotional sympathy for his own flesh and blood especially the lady that gives birth to him. Aunt Jackie raised her hand and slapped Grandma on the face Anna looked in horror then she looked at Uncle to see his response nothing no reaction what so ever. Aunt Jackie then raised her hand slapped Grandma again Anna lost it she yang at the chain she pulled with all her strength and screamed loudly she could be heard out side the slap was like somebody had slapped Anna she was a lot stronger than they expected she pulled with that much anger and force she pulled it off the wall or rather it was an old building and it was crumbling.

As soon as she was loose she went for the guy that had the remote she swung the chain and knocked him out then she crushed the remote under her foot she completely lost control she took all the men twice her size then jump on the shoulder of one man she used the others to walking so she could reach her Grandma she griped Auntie Jackie and swung her round she slapped her until she was unconscious she untied Grandma and hugged her tightly she looked at her to make sure she was okay Anna kissed her face over and over she hugged her tightly again they stood there. Anna needed to feel, her Grandmas warmth only came from her that could illuminate the world from darkness into light.

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