Chereads / Pheonix Reborn / Chapter 88 - Call

Chapter 88 - Call

The wards fell quickly since they had all of the families present that had taught Hermione their wards for her protection. Sirius flung the doors to the library open so that he could run in, but he paused uncertainly in the doorway, one foot raised as though he were a clockwork toy that had stopped at a most inopportune time. There was some sort of viscous fluid on the floor in front of them, smeared with blood which made all of them anxious. A low keening noise, almost animal sounding in its pain could be heard and they all turned toward it to see their beloved domina rather the worse for wear. Her shoulder was hurt and bleeding sluggishly, but she was also very obviously in labor. She was clutching at the arm of a gentleman that most of them recognized as a professor at the college, and panting through her pain. Some of the milites, being very young men after all, turned slightly green.

"Hermione!" Sirius grabbed Professor Shattuck and almost flung him violently away from his wife. Regulus and Severus scourgified the floor, and transfigured a screen and a birthing stool.

"Sirius," Hermione gasped, clutching at his arm. "I'm feeling an incredible urge to hit you. Isn't that odd?"

"Not at all, domina," Severus offered cheerfully from the other side of the screen. "I feel the urge to hit Sirius quite often, and Regulus has shared with me that he has as well. I believe you should give in to this feeling. It might be good for you and the babies."

"Are you all right, kitten?" Sirius asked worriedly, his eyes scanning her, hoping that she wasn't too badly hurt.

"Aside from the fact that I've been attacked by Death Eaters, my shoulder's bleeding and I'm going into what I believe is called hard labor? Oh yes, I'm just peachy, darling," Hermione managed to snarl right before she made another one of those low, keening noises.

"What do you need me to do?" Sirius asked plaintively. Hermione turned white and clutched his arm even tighter.

It took several hours, and much complaining from Professor Shattuck that libraries were certainly not where one should be giving birth, but eventually Cepheus Alphard Black and his twin sister Cassiopeia Dorea Black were brought forth into the world. The entire contingent of milites were present for the miraculous event and all of them privately swore to themselves that these two children would be safe, no matter what. Swaddling was quickly procured and the two precious bundles were passed from man to man (several of whom may have had suspiciously wet eyes, but we're not going to make them feel bad about it). Sirius couldn't stop touching Hermione and kissing her forehead, trying to assure himself that she was fine, that she'd taken no lasting injuries.

Cepheus and Cassiopeia became a come sight on the campus of the College of Merlin, being carefully toted about by dour, glowering wizards who looked as though they might kill as soon as look at you. They would glare at anyone who dared approach the blanket spread upon the grass where the two babies spent their allotted 'tummy time' to strengthen their muscles. They also glared suspiciously at anyone who looked as though they might attempt to jiggle their prams or their bouncy seats. As their mother progressed toward her degree, and the infants became toddlers, it was quite easy to see that the dainty little girl with her clear grey eyes and her little black curls had all of them, including her twin brother, securely wrapped around her little finger. It was nothing to see the dangerous-looking men playing 'pony' so that their favorite princess could ride about on their shoulders. When Hermione Black received her degree in Magical Law, many of the staff were sad to see the small figures of Cepheus and Cassiopeia Black leave their hallowed halls for the last time. Cassiopeia proudly perched on her Daddy's shoulders and young Cepheus held securely in his Uncle Regulus' arms.






Summer, 1985

Hermione Black was sitting on the lawn of Potter Manor with her mother, her sister-in-law, her cousins-in-law Andromeda Tonka and Narcissa Malfoy, and her friend Augusta Longbottom watching their children and grandchildren playing together when she felt a strange tingling sensation. Her eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh! Oh, mother, I'm being called," Hermione exclaimed. She glanced toward the children, and then looked to her mother. "Will you watch the twins?"

"Of course, dear," Dorea Potter soothed. "Just make sure you take one of your boys with you, or Sirius and James will never let me hear the end of it."

"Yes, mother," Hermione said with a resigned sigh. She walked into the house and knocked on her father's study door.

"Princess! Are you leaving already? I haven't even got to spend time with Cepheus and Cassiopeia yet," Charlus said with a dark frown.

"No, Daddy, I've been called, and I need to take one of my miles. Rabastan, will you come with me? Barnabas, I would like you to stay with the children," Hermione commanded smoothly. Both men nodded and rose. Barnabas took her literally and headed out toward the lawn to keep an eye on his small charges.

"You've been called, domina?" Rabastan enquired politely. Hermione nodded.

"Yes, I put in the charm years ago, I was starting to think that my vis-er, that I'd been mistaken," Hermione was almost babbling. Rabastan blinked. Usually, their domina was calm, cool and collected. She was unflappable.

The house they arrived at was nice, but modest. Rabastan looked about curiously. He knew it must be a muggle habitation and he'd never seen one up close. He was fascinated. The door almost flew open at Hermione's hesitant knock and the muggle woman almost flung herself at Hermione, crying and clinging to her at the same time.

"Oh, thank God you've come," the woman was saying. "I wasn't sure what to do, but I remembered what you said, and what will the neighbors think?"

"Hello, Sebastian," Hermione said calmly, a smile playing about her mouth. Rabastan stared at the stuffed animals, which were dancing energetically about the room, then stared at the solemn little boy with his short hair and wide brown eyes. "Trying to have a bit of fun with your toys?"

"Yes, ma'am," the small boy said politely, glancing at his mother who was still visibly distraught. Hermione tried to exude calm. "Mummy didn't like it, though."

"I imagine you startled her," Hermione continued calmly. "She simply wasn't expecting any of this to happen."

"I wasn't either," Sebastian confessed artlessly. "I just wanted someone to play with."

"I see," Hermione said thoughtfully. She cocked her head to the side. "What if I told you that I knew a group of children all about your age who would love to play with you?"

"Can they do this too?" Sebastian asked curiously. Hermione's smile grew slightly wider.

"They can indeed. My own Cassiopeia loves to make her dollies dance before bed," Hermione said gently.

"Mummy? Can I go and play with the other children like me?" Sebastian asked, his brown eyes wide. Mrs. Granger looked at the strange young woman in her silk gown and the young gentleman who stood respectfully behind her dressed as though they'd both stepped out of some ridiculous history book. The young woman's face was kind, and her eyes were understanding.

"May I come as well? To see…well…to see?" Mrs. Granger didn't want to flat out say 'to see that it's safe' because that seemed vaguely rude.

"Of course," Hermione said soothingly. "Why don't we set up something for two days from now? I can speak to the other mothers and we could arrange a play date. You'll get the chance to meet all of us. I can ask the fathers to attend as well, if you wish?"

"I would like that," Mrs. Granger said faintly. By the time the young woman left Mrs. Granger was quite certain that her life was never going to be the same again. Sebastian seemed excited, though, so that was something. If they could help with…well, the floating toys and what not, she wouldn't mind if they wore silk. They could wear whatever they wanted.

"I liked her, Mummy, she seemed nice," Sebastian observed before he went off to his bedroom.