Avery stares at the closed door with a heavy heart. Though most of the pain from the helicopter has faded, she feels as if something has shattered in her chest. Slowly she returns to the bed and pulls the quilt over her head. Without meaning to, she falls asleep. She wakes to a soft knocking and reluctantly sticks her head out from under the covers.
"Mrs. Howel, do you mind if I come in?" the young nurse asks.
"No, what's going on?" Avery asks.
"Mr. Howel asked me to take special care of you," the nurse says. "He's had a dinner sent over, and I was wondering if you were hungry."
Avery has no appetite, but she knows she needs to eat. She sighs, "Fine, and you can bring it in."
The nurse opens the door wider and pushes a large cart into the room. The cart is piled high with thermoses, bottles, and plastic containers—Avery counts at least 20 different foods. The nurse wheels the cart next to the table and smiles gently at Avery.