Martin looked at the Lord Of Perimeter 40, he did not waste any time
Four Energy Elemental – ( Armaniol (Name) (Perimeter 40)
Level = "W o r l d L e v e l 4 (Mi d d l e)" Perimeter 40 Leader
Clan = U n k n o w n
STR = 411.0 Silv er Pa r ad ig na Points
Endurance = 420.0 Silver Para dig na Points
Agility = 410.0 Silver Parad ig na P oints
INT = 455 Silv er Pa rad ig na P oints
De s crip tio n By Ghost De mon Serpen t -
- Armonial is a weird creature, it does not talk most of the time, he is only waiting in the sun without doing anything, it has some kind of elemental abilities, I say he but it is most likely have no gender whatsoever-