Monday, December 10th, 2019.
*BZZZT BZZZT BZZZT* I woke up the sound of my alarm, groaning, with eyes full of crust. I stand up to stretch, and head straight to the bathroom. My name's Jairo(Hi-ro) Rojas, and I'm going to tell the most interesting thing that happened to me. After washing up I head downstairs to the kitchen table. "Good morning Jairo, did you sleep well?". I see my aunt making breakfast. The smell of eggs, bacon, and sausages filled the entire room, hypnotizing all of us. "Well the neighbors were arguing again, but other than that I sleep as fit as a fiddle." I sat down, I turn my head to see my uncle sitting down reading the morning newspaper. "Did you sleep well, Uncle John?" I asked. "Hmph..." was the only reply I got, and WAS always the reply I got. I knew why he had a grudge on me. A year ago, me and my dad were involved in a car crash. No one died, but my dad was kidnapped by a mysterious figure while I laid, unconscious, on the ground. The police tried to search for him but never did, so after a while they just forgot about him. I was then forced to live with my Uncle, and Aunt Betty. My aunt was okay with this, but my uncle was not. He hated his brother(favorite child, that's why)."Oh! Is that food I smell?" We heard an old raspy slowly coming down the stairs, we turned around and saw an old man in his 60's walk towards us. "Good morning Albert! Sit down, the food will be ready in a few minutes" Betty said. "Mornin', how's my son and favorite nephew?" Albert asked. "Hmph." John replied. "Mornin' Grandpa Al!" I happily waved at him. He made it down the stairs, and sat down next to me. "Jairo! How was the Merrie Melodies? l fell asleep while Bugs Bunny and Elmer Fudd were singing Opera!" He laughed. "Oh I still feel bad for what happened those Toons, taken away all because of bad parenting! They should've taken the blame not them!". He yelled. "I agree!" I standed. All eyes were on me, my face turned red, and I sat back down. "Save your words for later boys, let's start this day right." My aunt said while setting our plates. We ate and enjoyed our breakfast. After that, my aunt and uncle left for work and me and my grandpa sat down and watched taped cartoons on our TV. "Wouldn't it be great if Toons, and Humans got back together?" Grandpa asked. "Yeah it would be...reliving old memories....with mom and dad" I said. Tears then started to roll down my eyes. My mother was killed when I was 5, by a mysterious killer. He got away. The police tried their best but, they didn't succeed, so I wasn't able to remember her that well. Dad was heartbroken when he received the news, every time I asked about Mom, tears started to roll down his eyes. The only memory I can recall with her was when we visited Toontown for the first time. We walked down the park and saw Pinnochio, and Porky Pig, singing and dancing. This created my love for cartoons. "I'm sorry kiddo...I forgot about the incident." Grandpa said, he pulled me in for a hug, which lasted for about a minute then he let go. "It's fine" I said, but it really wasn't. "Let's just continue watching cart--*CRASH*". We both looked to the window, and then back at each other. *HISSING* *CRASH* We both got up and looked out the window of our apartment. We looked at the bottom of the alleyway and saw a Toon!?!