"Push you got it dear soon it will be over. Just one more." Ughhhh a sharp scream rang out with a loud cry that rang out with powerful lungs. " It's a boy a very feisty one I'm afraid but a boy nevertheless congratulations Mary did you pick out a name for your son?" A very beautiful lady lay on a hospital bed spent and weak body fluids and blood rest between her legs yet there warm smile of love as she search for her child. "Yes, Doctor Grahm. His name is Elijah Hall, Mary response with love. " "May he bless with good fortune my dear. Do you wish to hold your son. Dr Grahm ask kindly. Like magic as soon as the new born was in his mother arms he stop crying. His eyes slowly open for first time and Mary gasp. As what was peculiar was his right eyes was green the other was a vivid blue that seen to held powerful knowledge and depth quite different from what a newborn should have yet this was her first child mistake or not it was her blood her family so Mary was scared only what different colored eyes meant for her son. Her deepest fear was he was blind. How cruel the world is being blind is a huge set back that she didn't want her son to face. "Fear not Ms. Marry your son only suffer from Heterochromia it's completely benign and doesn't affect affect visual acuity. Quite frankly he will be quite a looker once he grows up, "Dr. Grahm explains. Relief came rushing toward me and so did the need for sleep as my body felt weak. Dr Grahm quickly noticed the sign and took Elijah from my arms. Rest now dear I'll get your little one sorted out and have all the paper work for you to sign at a later date again congratulations and I wish you best of luck.
I'm not sure when I had my first thought or consciousness.... I only knew I was here. Fill with warth and sound that feel in love with 8 or so months ago. I knew no concept of time but I knew something was going to happen. My nerves was shaken as my home seem to slowly contract its self pushing me away. No!!! I wanted to yell. I wanted to stay in the warmth where I hear soft noise that whisper to me.( singing) So I cried. As the warmth was now gone. I cried even harder now as confusion griped me as my world seem to spin. I didn't know what was up nor down nor did I understand why was it so bright....God awfully bright. I wanted to go home to the warmth please let me go back my consciousness moaned. Loud rough voice echoed in my ears and very quickly I place somewhere else. Familiarity grip me as I felt the place I wanted to be so badly. The warmth it's here!! I stop my cries as I was now back home. Something open on its own (eyes) I didn't understand the concept and all I saw was a Giant thing I didn't understand but I knew it was home so I slept and felt safe.