10 July, Matthew's Villa, City K
After watching Matthew, Dominic and Isaac walk outside, Rachael turned to Lexi and said "I can tell that you are angry with me. But is there somewhere that we can talk privately."
Lexi shook her head, and responded "Let us just go into the casual lounge out the back…"
Rachael shook her head and said, "With what I have here your bedroom would be the best."
Lexi, angrily responded "In other words, junk, like what you gave me the other day."
"Give me a break Lexi, and at least head to a bedroom, where at least I know you will not be too embarrassed to look at what I have."
Snappily Lexi responded "Fine," before marching towards the stairs and up to one of the guest rooms, without waiting to see if Rachael was trailing behind her.