5 July, Military Jail meeting room, Military Base, City K
With a loud round of objections, Steven calmly said "There is no arguments. The arrangements I have told you are non-negotiable. It protects us, and it protects you. But no matter what you say nothing will be different."
Steven placed his hands on the conference table, before saying "I will say this once, and once only. And the first person to take me up on this offer will get the deal. For everyone else, you take your chances. And let me tell you will face the standard sentence for the offences that you are charged with."
Steven paused, and slightly turned to look at Bronwyn, before observing those across the table. He could not only feel but observe the tension in all matters.
"I know you have all launched appeals against being refused conditional release, but that is a separate matter to the charges that you are facing."
Joan quietly spat out "And we will win that case…"