26 June, Steven's apartment, City K
Having received confirmation from Bronwyn that the military courts had not only accepted all the paperwork and had issued the arrest warrants for not only David and Joan, but the identified six senior vice presidents of his company, Steven relaxed for a few seconds before picking up his phone. This was going to be a difficult telephone call because it would reveal some secrets that he had kept hidden.
As the phone picked up, Steven said "Hello Paul…"
"Steven, are you enjoying your time off."
"Sort of, where are you?"
"At this time of the morning, on my way to the office. Why?"
"Abigail with you?"
"No, Monica convinced her last night to spend the day with her, which I think she was looking forward to."
"How close to my place are you?"
"I passed by about five minutes ago. Can you tell me what is going on."
"Can you come here, as I want to do this face to face."