14 June, The Venue, City K
John, and Bronwyn, on reaching the end of the aisle, followed the direction of Rachael's efficient staff and moved into a small waiting area to allow their guests to exit the chapel, before they did.
While waiting, Bronwyn turned to John and said, "You had to allow that to happen?"
John leaned over and gently kissed Bronwyn before calmly adding, "When the president invited himself to the wedding, we needed to take control so he would not use it as a self-promotion for the election later this year. Our careers have us being apolitical, and without the control my uncle has wrested from the president, with our guests we would have been portrayed, despite the president's connections to my mother, as supporting his re-election bid."
"Who cares about that. I had not even told my Uncles, Aunts and cousins," came the sharp response from Bronwyn.