9 June, Matthew's Villa, City K
Abigail, standing wrapped in Paul's arms leaned back and quietly said "Hearing that a second time, he is right. She has to be stopped, because she is not going to let up on me because she knows from the past that the tactics that she can intimidate people into silence."
Tightening his arms slightly, Paul quietly said "If you are sure, you know I will support your decision."
"That is all I need…"
"Abigail?" came a concerned question from Monica.
Abigail turned slightly in Paul's arms and looked directly at her sister, before saying "What is it Monica?"
"What is going on?"
"You heard what John had to say…"
"I was watching you and you were not surprised. You know more than you are saying."
Paul quietly said, "You need to tell her."
Abigail turned in his arms and hesitantly asked, "Are you certain?"