7 June, Military Base, City K
As Ben, Joseph and David were exiting his office, he noticed Bronwyn standing waiting for him. She snapped to attention as the three of them passed, before hearing Matthew call out "Lieutenant, come in."
As Bronwyn entered and shut the door, she looked to Matthew who said, "Everything is switched on, so sit."
On sitting Bronwyn said "Thank you Boss. We have a problem."
Matthew turned and looked directly at her and said, "What in the world do you mean?"
"Civilian intelligence agencies are denying that they have the intelligence you were given."
Matthew shook his head and said "In other words they want no action taken. Are they being idiots?"
"That is Head Honcho's suspicion." Bronwyn pulled out a folder from the brief case in her hand, and handed it over. "He handed me this and said to give it to you, saying it is from the usual source."