5 June, David Hwang's car after leaving LY Studio, City K
As the car started to pull away from outside the LY Studio David put up the in-car petition to allow the two of them to talk.
David turned to Joan, and said "How did things go?"
"Lexi is taken in. She believes I am a complete bridezilla, worried about her wedding and ensuring that everything is perfect."
"Perfect, that is not what we are aiming for with the arrangements…"
"True, but everyone needs to think that because how will we get the people we want at the ceremony, let alone the public there for the City K attack to happen. The more people we draw in, the more damage that we can do."
"Joan, you know my senior people believe that you are going to destroy the plans."
"Those idiots…"
"True, but those idiots have helped me to get to this point, both in my legitimate business but with all my illegal activities. We need to keep them on side."