12 May, Military base hospital, City K
Laying on the bench ready for the CT scan, Lexi kept thinking about everything that she could remember. The doctor was right, he really seemed familiar and it felt so annoying that she could not remember him properly. Trying to take in what she knew was enough, the question was what she had forgotten.
It was good to know that Chester and Phillip had finally married. The two of them should have been together for years, but the archaic laws that had persisted in face of acceptance and changes in laws in other countries around the world always seemed unfair. Yes, it went against some peoples religious and personal beliefs about what constitutes a marriage, it was being respecting people for who they are.
It then hit Lexi that Phillip was going through his third cancer battle. That was so unfair. Finally, he and Chester were legally able to be with each other and yet they had this challenge.