11 May, JL International Mall, City F
While Joseph was working inside, Matthew gritted his teeth and moved from the command tent outside towards the triage area. He wanted to find out who was in control of the triage and on-site medical services, not only to ease his own concerns if Lexi was hurt inside, but also to ensure that the services ran smoothly, as given the current tensions with the police any issue would cause a significant conflict.
As he reached the triage area, he asked "Who is in charge?"
Without looking up the medic responded, "You have to wait, I am busy."
While he wanted to snap a reply, the medic was assessing a person for injuries. Getting that person the necessary treatment, was more important than dealing with him at that moment. Looking around, he saw a uniformed soldier with a stethoscope around her neck and headed over before asking "Can you tell me who is in charge."