19 April, Gu Family Villa, City K
As they arrived at the Gu Family villa, Matthew, Lexi, and Dominic were greeted by Steven who said, "You told?"
"Keeping your secret or telling my husband, no choice. But he helped me arrange everything you needed so do not complain, plus we have the benefit of having a ring bearer for you."
Excitedly Dominic said "Uncle Steven, do not be mean to me…"
Shaking his head Steven said "And you then both told the biggest teller of secrets we all know…"
"Hey, no badmouthing my son, he wants to do that…"
"And be the centre of attention. Who stole the scene at Phillip and Chester's wedding?"
"Me Uncle Steven, and I can do so again if you like."
Laughing Steven said "If you behave Dominic, now how we leave your mummy to head up to the guest suite and you and your…"