4 March, Municipal Courthouse, City K
Turning directly to Lieutenant Li, the judge said "Lieutenant, have all the security checks come back?"
"The key checks have. There are still some from the legal staff and staff in the Yao family home that have not been finalised as checking certain information has been challenging. The only two that have not come back acceptable are those of Mister and Madam Yao themselves…"
"What!" spat out Madam Yao. "Dominic is my grandson, and I should not have to prove anything."
Calmly, Lieutenant Li continued "As I was about to say before I was interrupted, there is a couple of reasons for that, but they both have refused to meet with anyone to address the issues raised so we have not been…
"Why in the damn world should we have to bend to you. The demands were inconvenient, and they could not accept it. We are civilians and should not be subject to military whims," came a loud statement from Madam Yao.