Chapter 8 - Class 1-A

It's been a week since the entrance exam, and Izuku and I've been training together and nervously waiting for the note that said we passed. Right now we are training with All Might at the beach, he's giving us some combat training.

" Alright guys this is enough for today." All Might said to us. Then we said " Ok." Then All Might said " Today was your last day I'm training you guys. You guys have exceeded my expectations, and I think that you guys are strong, so you don't need training for me any more." We both looked at him for a second hugged him and said " Thanks for training us." After we said that we talked for a little while then we went home.

When we got home we opened the door and said " We are home!" After we said that mom came running to us with two letters in her hand and said " They've come. The letters came!" We looked at her for a second and I said " can we see them?" She said " Oh right, here you go." she handed us the letters and we went into the living room.

When we went into the living room we sat on the couch and Izuku and I opened our letters at the same time. It was the same message from the anime saying that you've been accepted and that All Might is now a teacher there, and that school starts next week. After the message was over mom came to us hugged us and said " I'm proud of you boys." After she said that we had a big dinner to celebrate and then we went to sleep.

[1 week later]

I opened my eyes and I saw my bedroom ceiling and I said " Today's the day!" Then I got up got dressed in my school uniform and went into the kitchen for breakfast. When I got into the kitchen I saw mom and Izuku already there and I said " Good morning." They both said good morning than Izuku said " You excited for today?" I replied " You know it!" After I said that we all had our breakfast and then me and Izuku left for UA.

When we got to the gates I said " From this day forward we are now students at UA high. You ready?" Izuku said " I sure am." After he said that we went into the school and went to the classroom. It took us a few minutes to get to the classroom, because 1 the hallways were crowded, and 2 UA was a big building. But we eventually got there.

When we opened the door we saw Tenya Iida yelling at one of our classmates because he had his feet on his desk. Than they all saw us, first it was Tenya then it was some guy that looked sparkly, then it was some guy with what looked like purple balls on his head. First Tenya said " Hi my name is Tenya Iida, you guy's must be the twins who took out the zero pointers with eaase." Me and Izuku both laughed a little than Izuku introduced us " My name is Izuku Midoriya, and this is my twin brother Hisashi Midoriya, he's the younger one." Then the sparkly guy said " My name is Yuga Aoyama nice to meet you." Then the purple ball guy said " My name is Minoru Mineta nice to meet you also." Then they started bombarding us with questions about the zero pointer, Then Katchan saved us by grabbing us from them and said, " Hey guys, it's been a minute." I replied " Sure has, thanks for saving us back there, how are you?" He replied " I'm good." I asked " How's your training going?" But before he could continue we heard someone say " What's taking so long I've been here for like 5 seconds. Get to your seats."

When we looked at the voice we seen someone get out of a yellow sleeping bag. I thought, ' This is eraser head, he's so cool in the anime. I should copy his quirk.' After thinking that I found my seat next to Izuku, and Katchan. Then Erase head said " My name is Shota Aizawa, and I'll be your home room teacher for this year. Now everyone get ready we are going to the courtyard to do a test." Then someone said " What about the assembly?" Aizawa said " It's just going over the rules and what not, your missing nothing. Now get ready." After he said that he left the room. Once he said that I went to the changing rooms and went to go change into my gym uniform.