Chereads / Powerhart / Chapter 9 - 9. Water vs Wind: Waterloo and His Dual Water Swords

Chapter 9 - 9. Water vs Wind: Waterloo and His Dual Water Swords

Waterloo laughed and pointed one of his swords to Doren. With a grin, he mocked Doren saying, "You're nothing but a criminal! Don't go acting like you're anything special."

Doren looked at Waterloo and clenched his fists. "And you are going to stop me?" He moved a foot forward and brought a fist with it. His hand began glowing green, the aura moving to his arm.

He put his other arm on his shoulder and rotated his shoulder blade. Three of the guards had began to close in on him. Swords drawn like their Captain, they were on all sides of him, barely an arm's length away. Doren looked at the three and grinned.

He swung at the guard directly in front of him. Lifting one of his legs behind him, he used the air around his arm, and spun himself. Landing three punches, one on each of the guards, he looked at Waterloo. Swinging his hand back, he sent a gust of wind at the Captain.

Waterloo put his blades up and sliced the wind in half. It crashed into the wall behind him, brushing the area with dust. Doren took a breath. Five more guards were left. Four if you don't count Waterloo.

Doren put both hands up, the green aura now engulfing both of his hand. He shot a strong funnel against the four guards and sent them flying into the air. His breath begun getting heavier. How much more could he stand.

The sky was still dark, and the breeze was still present. To alter the weather with an element used a lot of stamina. Stamina that Doren was starting to run out of. He braced himself against Waterloo. If he had to actually fight him, he had to do it fast.

Doren pushed himself forward using his back foot. Waterloo charged towards him, pulling the blades backwards. As the blades flew towards Doren, he dropped to his knees and slid across the ground. As he passed Waterloo, he picked up the knife, and picked himself up.

He turned back around, and threw the knife, but it was deflected by one of Waterloo's blades. Sticking into the ground, Doren began charging at him again. Another horizontal strike from Waterloo, he dodged it and rolled to grab the blade once more.

"Why do you keep dodging?" yelled Waterloo, attempting to slice down onto Doren's shoulder. With the blade I hand, he blocked it with the knife. "What's the matter? Running out of steam?"

Waterloo put pressure down onto Doren. As the blade clinked together, the water around the Captain's blades grew thicker. Soon it began to surround Doren's knife and travel up his arm.

Now looking eye to eye, the Captain grinned. "Have you ever thought about how terrifying water would be while you drown? Now imagine drowning on land." Holding his swords to Doren's knife, he pushed Doren to the ground.

With the water now swallowing Doren's body except his head, he watched the Captain's blue eyes. The Captain's mustache was practically tickling Doren's nose at this point.

Struggling to get out of this prison of water, Doren lifted his heavy feet and placed them against Waterloo's stomach. He began kicking at his stomach, pushing him further away, until the Captain was booted off of him. He kicked one more time and landed it right into his chest.

Coughing, the Captain stumbled back and the water fell into the ground. Doren picked himself up, now huffing even more. He clenched a fist and brought the aura back out. His fist now glowing green.

"What a cheap trick." Doren shook some of the water off of him. "I just began using my powers so pardon me for asking," he held up the drenched blade up, it dripping with water, "Can you tell me how to out your element to a weapon?"

After regaining his strength and his breath, he looked up at Doren. "Are you kidding me? You're asking how to use a power against me?!" he got angry, and stood straight. "Go to hell, you criminal!" he rushed towards Doren. He blades at the ready. He began slicing at Doren, his strikes as fast as lightning.

Doren weaved in and out of the strikes, blocking some of them with the single knife in his hand. Block and Weave training from his father helped him prepare for instances like this. Keep moving so the enemy would lose their stamina. Doren just had to keep moving.

Meko and Katrina still watched in awe. It was hard for them to believe that this kid was all of a sudden an expert fighter. He had taken out twelve guards and just had this one Captain left. Could he actually do it. Could they actually get away? After everything was begining to fall apart, they see I begin to rebuild itself.

"Get him Doren!" Meko yelled excitedly. His arms going into the air. He just wished he could help. But he wasn't born with any special ability. And this was a covert mission at first, so only little weaponry was brought along. "Kick his ass!"

Doren paid no attention to Meko at the time. Getting distracted in a fight was the quickest way to die. Doren focused on how Waterloo was moving. When he saw an opening, as Waterloo's swords both came down, he leaned back out of the way and launched a fist forward.

Using pressure in the air, the punch launched him into the brothels walls. Crushing the brick like it was dust, the Captain laid under a layer of dust in the air. From the dust a bullet of water came rushing out. Smacking Doren in the chest, he fell back.

It was as if he got kicked square in his chest. He laid on the ground, trying to catch his breath. While he was near paralyzed from the shock of getting hit as hard as he did, Waterloo got up out of the broken wall. He walked over to Doren, blood coming from his bald scalp and down to his mustache.

Waterloo stepped over Doren and looked down at him. "You have the Powerhart? And you got knocked out by that?" he taunted as he kicked Doren in the ribs. Over and over, the kicks landed, one more powerful than the other.

Doren had to think fast. He put a hand up, palm towards the ground, and blew air into the dirt. Covering the alleyway with debris, Doren rolled away. Once he was far enough, he pushed himself off the ground. He ran behind a tree close by Meko and Katrina. He put a finger to his lip towards him.

While the field was covered, he thought of a story from his father's library. It was about an air bender who went after the people who killed his family. A story about loss and what it meant to take revenge. He remembered what the air bender did to one of the men. He took the air out of the man's lungs. The only problem was that Doren's body was spent.

Where there's a will there's a way.

As the smoke settled, Meko and Katrina finally left the area. Doren braced for Waterloo. The Captain stood where he did before. Turning to Doren, the man rushed in for more attacks.

Once again Doren was forced to dodge and once again wait for an opening. He noticed he was growing slower, the swords now scraping or slicing at him by just centimeters. When he felt the cold steel of the swords blade, he jumped back. When his feet touched the ground, Waterloo was once again in his face.

Instead of using his swords, Waterloo punched Doren in the face and sent him falling back. Rolling backwards, Doren tried getting away from the angry captain, but every time he moved, the Captain was right on top of him.

It was a vicious cycle of cat and mouse, and the cat had a better advantage. With moving, Doren couldn't get focused enough to use his powers. Just constantly dodge. He jumped back once more, but list his footing and fell.

Laughing, Waterloo stomped on Doren's chest. He bent down and was in Doren's face. "You are irritating me, kid. You've taken down my men. You've thrown me through walls. We are just doing our jobs."

Doren laid in the dirt. The plan to kill the man was a little extreme at this point. He was just doing his job after all. It wasn't like when he killed the owner of the brothel. So we're the guards. However many he killed.

Maybe it was time to turn himself in. Waterloo brought a blade back. The point going to rest in the middle of Doren's chest. Doren closed his eyes and awaited his fate. If it was his destiny to die here than so be it.

Finally he remembered what his father once told him. Only you, yourself can control your destiny. Doren opened his eyes and slapped the sword away from him. When he slapped it, he sliced his chest open.

Waterloo had lost his balance when Doren smacked the sword. When Waterloo fell onto Doren, Doren slammed a palm into his stomach, launching him off. He climbed onto his feet. Before Waterloo got to his, Doren slammed a foot into Waterloo's ribs.

He rolled on the ground and groaned. Doren walked over to him, each step making his whole body ache. Without hesitation, Doren focused his power into his fist. His fist made contact with Waterloo's face and the back of his head smacked into the ground.

"Please," Doren begged in between breaths, "just stay down.." he fell to his knees. He closed his eyes and sat back on his feet.

A couple moments passed. Doren stood back up. He had to get out of there and fast before he was captured. Looking around he wondered where Meko and Katrina had ran off to.