As I'm almost to the canteen someone shouts from behind.
I turn around a bit annoyed that someone stopped me from eating. My annoyance goes down when I see who it is.
He stops and leans downwards. "Just let me catch my breath." He wheezes.
I shrug and lean back on my heels waiting for him.
After a while his breathing goes back to normal. "Running down flights of stairs is hard." He first says.
"Tell me about it." I say thinking that we're about to rant about stairs.
He looks up and knits his eyebrows before something comes over him. "Don't change the subject."
"There was a subject?" I ask.
Ren breathes in heavily when hearing the question. "Is Orion really a relative."
"Oh my god you know what incest is!" I exclaim.
Ren looks at me blankly.
I shrug. "Hey. I tried."
"So?" Ren asks wanting me to either deny or confirm it.
"Yes, Orion is my relative." I confirm since he already knows. "My brother, to be completely honest."
"Brother?" Ren's eyes pop. "I thought I met them all!?"
"Oh you did but it was so long ago that you forgot that I had one that looked different from the rest." I smile and tilt my head.
"Is this another Kaena and Kaelynn moment?" Ren asks.
"You remembered!" I exclaim in shock.
"Yes. I may not ever forgot that prank." Ren sadly say remembering.
I lift my shoulder and slowly walk away. "Orion is Oreo that I always mention. The one that you have only met when Chandler was still alive and we were getting back the race cars."
"Don't you run away, Chikara! You used my poor memory to your advantage for this prank." Ren shouts and quickly walks after me seeing that I'm almost through the door to the canteen.
"I did, yeah. That's how the world works Ren."
"No it doesn't."
"Well it does for me. Use another person's weakness to your advantage is one of my many mottos." I quickly turn around and run to the canteen before Ren can follow.
Once he catches up I have already 'persuaded' the cooks to give me lunch early though I could've just went to a restaurant down the street but I have to walk back and I don't want the food to dissipate so quickly.
"So wait you don't like Orion like that?" Ren asks sitting down.
"Like what?" I blink at him while eating.
"Nothing." Ren says when seeing that I don't get his words.
I nod and eat my food faster.
"Does Quantum and Quasar know?" Ren asks.
I shrug my shoulders. "I don't think so but they might remember him and keep quiet or they could have a hunch."
"So I'm the only one that is left out of the dark?" Ren asks.
"Basically." I reply.
Ren puts his forehead on the table.
I shake my head when hearing him sigh in frustration. I quickly eat up my rice and give the tray back to the cooks. I call out to Ren to tell him I'm leaving when I hear footsteps. I turn towards the direction that I hear them coming from and see that it's a large group of students.
I knit my eyebrows together and step out of the way to let them through but they have other ideas.
"Is this the girl that is claiming to be Orion's sister?" One of the boys in the group ask pointing at me.
"That's her." The two girls from before point and nod at me.
I look at them with a surprised but cold expression not really knowing what is going. What I can tell is that these people aren't here to taste the cook's delicious food.
"Who are you?" A girl asks with rage.
I look at her and remember that she is a senior student whose Mother is from renowned family of musicians.
"I am Adira Blackwell but people call me Chikara." I introduce myself loudly so that everyone can hear.
"Look at her acting arrogant!" A male student shouts and pushes my shoulder.
Astrid screeches inside my head but I block her out and glare up at the student. "I am arrogant. What about it, weakling?"
The student lifts his hand and brings it down but I dodge backwards and lightly redirect his arm which hits the girl musician.
"Why did you hit me Johnson?" The girl screams.
"I am so sorry Chaeyoung." The boy apologizes. He sends me a death glare, "I was supposed to hit her."
"And you missed." I laugh. "What kind of javelin athlete are you to miss?"
"You!" Johnson gets enraged when hearing my provoke.
I look at him with a smug smiles which makes his face redden and the veins on his neck to pop.
"What? Do you want to hit me, a weak little girl?" I ask snapping the last bit of self-restraint that he had left.
He runs at me and looks like he's about to tackle me but I put my hand out and flip myself over using his head as a platform. I turn around to see that from the flip Johnson has faceplanted into the floor.
'I must've used too much force.' I think inside my head but before I can think of anything else someone tackles me from the side.
Without looking at the student I know that she isn't a normal student but a fairy. Specifically an earth type fairy which is known for having more strength than any other type of fairy because of their connection with the earth.
I scoff inside my head when this earth fairy thinks she can take me out. Me! The only pureblooded phoenix alive with the natural ability to control air and fire so moving rock is such a little thing like kicking a pebble.
I twist my body underneath her and lift my leg up to knee her to the side. I quickly do a shoulder spin and stop beside her. I grab her neck and lift her up. She looks at me with wide eyes and struggle to breath but I slam her to the ground.
The crowd of students gasp when seeing the blood on the floor.
"Chikara stop!" Ren shouts trying to squeeze through the students.
I ignore them and keep my eyes on the fairy who is in pain but her lips stretch out into a smile. My eyebrows move when seeing this.
The fairy sneers, "No wonder your brother didn't want to announce you're siblings. There is nothing to like about you... or him."
I pupils dilate when hearing her words. Even though I know she's only saying it to provoke me something inside snaps and I lose control over my actions but Astrid also doesn't have control.