Chereads / Myths: Adira's diary / Chapter 126 - chapter 126. Volleyball (2)

Chapter 126 - chapter 126. Volleyball (2)

"Aw! She's so small!"

My nose twitches. I officially hate volleyball!

A few minutes ago,

The team got off the bus at the neighbouring high school. The team we are facing is for the prefecture since only one team can represent the district.

We found the gym and started to warm up but when the other team arrived they looked very hostile which spooked our team but when they looked around their eyes light up.

"She's so cute!" They all surrounded me and started to pat my head.

"Aw! She's so small!"

My nose twitches.

"Don't bloody touch me!" I slap their hands away and get as far away from the opposite team as I can. Their aura has changed and they look at me like they just found a puppy.

"Please refrain from touching my assisstant." The manager says in a cold voice.

"She's in high school?" The opposite team eyes widen.

"Dude! I'm the same age as he is." I point to Ren.

"No. She's too small." The opposite team shake their heads.

"You! It's not my fault I'm small!" I shout out in helplessness.

"There, there Chikara. They didn't mean it." Ren pats my head.

"Don't touch my head!" I slap his hand away and seat at the bench wearing a furious pout but everyone else thinks it looks cute. I hate it when people bring up my height especially strangers.

"Let's start the match since we're all warmed up." The manager says turning them off of me and onto the game.

"I should've stayed behind. Damn me and my goodwill." I mutter.

"I did ask you." The manager stands beside me.

I pout even more. "You didn't say that this would happen."

"It would've happened with either team. You're just so small and pretty that they think you're a doll." The manager sighs.

"It's not my fault I have great genes and I'm short."

"Aish! of course." The manager ruffles my hair before talking to the team about tactics.

Ren sits down beside me along with Tomoharu and another team mate. The game starts and both teams are evenly matched.


"Well they did make it to the semi-finals." The manager says.

"You just need to work harder. You aren't as cordinated as they were. It's evident that they have been playing along side each other longer than you have." I say.

"You know volleyball?" The team looks at me all except for Ren.

I nod. "I dabble in many sports."

The team nods. They all watched or heard of me winning against Daniel in swimming.

"So? Do you have any ideas how to win?" The manager asks.

"Isn't that supposed to be the coach and your job?" I ask.

"Yes but I don't know a little about volleyball and the coach teaches other sports too." The manager sighs.

I think about it. "I could ask some of my brothers to come over and teach you as they are better at teaching than me but it could take months for their schedule to be free."

"That would be great." The manager grasps my hands in hers. "By that time we will work extra hard to cordinate well. Isn't that right boys?"


"Good. Now let's go. Don't let this loss bring you down there is still another chance later in the year!" The captain of the team encourages.


[Wow! Adira why don't you have encouragement skills like him?] Astrid mocks.

'Shut up! You don't have any either.' I snap back.

"Let's go back to train!" The Captain says and surprisingly the team agrees.

I slap my forehead thinking that these guys are going to regret it.

We all get back on the bus and go back to school. There is an hour before it's 3 o'clock.

Since it's so late I spend the rest of the day on a bench outside while the volleyball team goes back to the hall to practice.

Before 3 o'clock strikes someone sneezes beside me.

"Bless you." I say and continue to play on my phone.

The person coughs.

"Do you want a cough drop?" I ask without looking up.

"Student! Why are you not in class?" The person asks. I look up to see a beautiful woman. I some how think that she looks familar.

"Who are you?" I ask not recognizing her as one of the teachers and I've seen them all when we have the weekly ceremony.

"I'm am Coach Hayashi."

"Hayashi? You can't possibly be the P.E teacher's relative?"

"I am his sister."

"Eh?" My eyes widen. I look her over and she does look like Teacher Hayashi but I'm still hung up with what she said before. "You're the coach?"

"Didn't I just say that?" Coach Hayashi starts to get mad.

"So you're the volleyball coach?"


"Okay." I nod and go back to playing on my phone.

Coach Hayashi stands still. This? What the hell?

"Why aren't you in class?"

I look up at her. I thought she left. "I came back from the volleyball match."

"I haven't seen you before." Coach Hayashi looks at me not believing.

"I'm Ren Yamashita's friend."

"Oh the new kid?"


"Oh. Okay." Coach Hayashi walks away.

I go back to playing my games until Ren finishes with his training which lasts for a few hours. Long after everyone has gone home.

Ren and I walk home and make a simple dinner.

I pull out my phone while eating and start to text.

Kara: Hey big brother

Chris Bear: What do you want?

Kara: Why do you think I want something?

Chris Bear: You always start with hey brother when you want something

Kara: Hehe. You got me. If you aren't busy do you want to come to Japan and play volleyball?

Chris Bear: Sure when Felix comes back

Kara: I'll give him one day. If he doesn't show up I will find out where he was and I don't think he wants anyone to know where he is

Chris Bear: It sounds like you suspect that I know where he is

Kara: I don't suspect, I know. I do suspect that you don't know what he was doing except where he is.

Chris Bear: Okay. Goodnight

Kara: Night Big Brother

I text my other brothers and they all agree to come to Japan in the middle of July. A few months later would be another match that gives the Shizen International High a chance to go to the finals if they can improve and beat the other teams.

I go to bed after feeding Asra a huge chunk of cow meat.