A few days later, 4:58 am.
Today is Saturday that means the weekend has rolled in.
I wake up and start my morning routines which is an hour run, making breakfast and getting dressed. I go for school for half the day before returning home.
"What are we doing this time?" Kala asks while putting on a grey tight-fitting knit sweater dress that stops just above her knees and tall grey boots. It shows off how great her body is.
"You'll see when we get there" I tell her. I am wearing a vintage denim shirt with denim jeans and black stiletto boots.
"Can't you just tell us?" Kailey says wearing the same thing as Kala. She puts her dark red hair into half-up and half-down ponytails before doing the same to Kala's hair. Both of their hairs are almost black.
"Nope but it's really simple" I say to them while tying my hair into a high ponytail. My long bangs fall out and covers my eyebrows.
"Okay" they both say after a long wait.
"Where are we going?" Kendall asks. She wanted to tag along with us like the older girls.
"To Damien" I answer.
"Why are we going to him?" Kaelynn asks.
"To get some stuff."
"What do we need to get?" Kaena asks excitedly.
"Snipers and food" I answer with hunger in my eyes.
"Ohhh!" All 5 of them finally get what we're doing.
"Yeah" I confirm their thoughts.
"We should've let Kolte and Kimberly go with the boys" Kala says regretting taking the little twins along.
I shake my head in disagreement. "We shouldn't because Kian took the boys to train and Killian has the girls who are hyped up on sugar."
We make it to the club at 1pm. I stop when we are a few steps from the front door.
"What's wrong?" Kaena asks while placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Ren's here" I say with a mischievous glint in my eyes.
"So?" Kaelynn asks.
"So let's play a trick on him" I say with a sly smile.
"How?" Kaena asks up for the challenge.
"Kaena, Kala and Kendall you come with me bring Kimberly and Kolte too. Kailey, Kaelynn you two will walk straight to Theodore's office if they don't let you in say Chikara sent you and make sure you say hi to Ren" I say before walking to the end of the alley. I climb up the wall and open a window on the 2nd storey. "Hurry" I help them climb up before going to Theodore's office which he's in. "Call Ren here" I tell him.
"Why?" Theodore asks.
"Because" I say taking a seat. Theodore raises an eyebrow but goes to call Ren. I mind link Kailey and Kaelynn to hide in a room near Theodore's office and wait until Ren walks into the room.
A few minutes later Ren walks in and looks around the room. When he sees Kaena and Kala in the room he jumps back in surprise.
"How are you here?" He asks.
"..." they stay quiet.
"What do you mean?" I ask him with a poker face. "They were always here."
"I just saw you in the bar and I didn't see you walk past me, so how are you here?" Ren responds confused.
"You can come in" I say loudly. Kaelynn and Kailey walks into the room which makes Ren more surprised. "When you met us at New Years Eve you didn't take note of my siblings which means you didn't know that there are twins. And when we went to school you still didn't take note of that since Kala and Kailey didn't come and Kaena and Kaelynn was standing further away from you so you couldn't see there face properly" I explain.
"So you did this to teach Ren to take note of what's around him?" Theodore asks.
"Yes I noticed it when we first met that he didn't take note and so I purposely made the twins not show theirselves so I could use it against him but I thought it would be more fun to trick him" I say while giving a smug look to Ren.
"Why did you do that?" Ren asks angry at how I tricked him.
"To teach you that you don't know anything although you think you do" I say.
"Okay. Now why are you here Adira?" Damien asks when he walks in the office.
"I need you to lend me something" I tell him the reason why we're here.
"What do you need?" Damien crosses his arms over his chest.
"Snipers" I answer.
"Why would you need that?" Ren asks.
"To shoot someone in the head" I answer honestly.
"Eh?!? You're going to shoot someone?" Ren shouts.
"If you keep yelling you'll be the one I'll shoot" I threaten him with a blank face.
"Watch out she will do it. She once shot me in the foot because I ate her snacks" Kala comments.
Ren looks at me like I grew three heads.
"So are you going to give me snipers or do I have ot get them myself?" I ask Damien.
"How many do you need?"
"3" I answer.
"How are you going to pull it off this time?" Theodore asks curiously.
"Two places at once" I tell them.
"I don't get it. How can you be at two places at once?" Ren asks not knowing what I'm talking about.
"Easy twins" Kala says while putting her arm around her twins shoulders.
"I still don't get it" Ren scratches his head confused.
"She's going to have one of us pull the trigger while the other stays in the streets" Kailey explains.
"What would that do?" Ren asks.
"Because even if the twin that pulled the trigger was seen they just have to pull out the camera and see that 'she' was somewhere else the claim would be false" I explain.
"Okay" Ren finally gets it.
"Here" Beatrix walks into the room with 3 snipers and throws them at me. I catch them.
"Thanks" I give one to Kala and Kaena. "You 2 will do yours later. Can you keep the little ones here while we go and do this?" I ask Beatrix.
"Yes!!" She squeals and runs to the little twins. She loves kids.
An hour later we are making our way up to the roof of a tall building.
"So many stairs!" I whine while walking up the trillions of stairs.
"We're nearly there so don't whine Adira" Kala says sternly through the earpiece.
"Argh" I whine still walking up the stairs. I make it on the roof and position my sniper to face the building across from ours.
"Here comes the target" Kaena voice sings through the earpiece.
"Remember don't shoot until everyone is in the room" I remind them.
"Okay" They both say.
"Kaelynn, Kailey are you in position?" I ask through the earpiece.
"Yes we are shopping in a shoe shop. Oh those look good on you Kailey" the second part Kaelynn squeals.
"Ow" I say while rubbing my ear.
"The others are there" Kala says.
"Okay get ready" I command.
"Ready! Aim! Fire!" Kaena sings sweetly.
... Silence rings out.
Looking through the sniper scope I see our target fall out of his chair.
"Mission success" I say through the earpiece.
"Yes!" all 5 say.
"Yes these boots look so good on us" Kaelynn and Kailey cover up.
"Time to go" I say while putting the sniper into a secret compartment in a guiter case. I place the guiter over it and jump down the stairs.
We all go home and turn the TV on.