So yes time passed very quickly. At one point of time we were taking on WhatsApp and now we hardly dropped a 'hii' on the chatbox.
10 years passed. I was married to another guy but in my heart I had him. It has been years since I have seen him and I wanted to know if he was still single or not and what was he doing. 10 years have past he might have changed also. In looks he might have changed but one thing that he can't change is his golden heart.
So ya I was on the way to my hometown. I was living in Delhi from past 10 years first alone and then with my husband. I wanted to meet him though I never told my husband about him because we hardly talk to each other. 2 years of marriage but hardly did we knew each other. But I was somewhat happy.May be because people say that money can buy you happiness but in my case it was not like that. Something was missing.
All the thoughts crossed by mind when I was on the way. Then suddenly Mr husband asks if I want a cup of tea. Obviously I was hungry and wanted something to eat so we stopped at a punjabi restaurant.We had are food and then i said to him "we will be going to my friends house first before my home." He was surprised because I always told him that I never want to meet any of my friends. But he then said "Okay! "
I slept.
When I woke up we were at my best friends home. I don't know how he contacted my friends. But I was happy to meet all of them. One of my friend had her little baby with her and the other has happily married with her best friend. I was happy for both of them.
I actually had a good time after a long time. Then suddenly we started taking about my love of life. Then I came to know that he was married to one girl and had 2 babies one girl and one boy. His family was compete!
I lost my emotions and stared crying. I cursed myself for coming back. "Why the hell I am here?"
I sat in the car without saying anything and that symbolized that I wanted to leave for home.
The most disheartening thing for me was that he was married to the girl whom I hated the most.