Bodies, flesh and bones are scattered randomly. There is almost no space for one's feet to safely hit the ground and avoid getting covered in blood, limbs, mud or oil.
Choi Maxi has taken me to have a meeting with his father however, I believe he has taken me to receive a message from hell from the looks of the place.
The scent really is quite unpleasant, more so far a lady like I, but I keep my food inside my stomach from expelling out of my body in an undignified manner.
"Where-" I start to say but Maxi halts my sentence to a complete stop.
"Please make your way to the front gates, over there, where you'll be escorted in by one of the butlers." Maxi points to the doors, of the building in front of me, where they are protected firmly by guards.
I take one last look at Maxi, who seems to be facing away from me, before carefully stepping over the huge mess towards the gate.
Once I had reached where Maxi had told me to go, the guards opened the gates immediately and let me in without a word or even a glance.
I stepped forward and heard the gates close swiftly with a 'clang'. Looking forward, I brushed my dress off any air impurities it may have received and trotted up to the main doors of the palace.
My knocking on the stone-cold, mahogany doors was so loud that a few birds nearby flew off in panic. The doors opened to show a man whose eyes could not be seen because his hair was sleepily hung under his forehead in a smooth, neat and old-fashioned manner.
The man, who I guess to be the House Butler, escorts me inside where our journey towards my unknown destination began.
We walked through halls, doors, paintings, lamps, floors and walls of different shape, size, colour and dimention. Each and every corner we took was a completely new path down the corridor and did not look at all the same like the corridor we had passed.
Almost five minutes into the palace and we start seeing people - either butlers and maids or guards and security officers. They watch us emotionelessly as we make our way through them.
Finally, the Butler's steps decrease and stop at green golden-coated doors with patterns encased in an aesthetic and decorative way.
"This is your stop, m'lady." The Butler bows respectfully and takes his leave. I watch him move down the hallway and out the doors, possibly to continue his duties as a trained and certified House Butler.
Feeling an uneasy feeling build up inside me, I knock on the doors with my familiar rythmic melody and wait for someone to let me in.
"Yes, yes. Let's see who it is first." A voice behind the door speaks.
The doors drift apart and I can see a few people with tailored outfits and fresh hairstyles. They look at me with wonder, as they stand from their seats.
"Welcome. I'm terribly sorry to have dropped you here today and not at Choi Maxi's father's castle. We told him to take you here so please don't emit any emotion of hate towards him, instead we would happily absorb it fully.
We, the Royal Corporals, are a special unit, along with other army positions, that work under the Ravel Forces to fight with and for the people in this world of Eiduca. We want to uphold the passion since the year the Royal Corps was established and since the first men, and boys, took their hearts to war.
I, Xai Jima, along with the other members want you to join us as part of a developing and growing Group of soldiers in order to-"
"Pardon me but what did you simply want me for today?" I interupt the soldier and ask him the question that has been reocurring in my mind although I know fully well why the Lance Corporal of the well known Royal Corporals calle me out.
"That's what I was just going onto. You are to be one of the main ladies leading the Royal Corporals in their line of duty. You will lead the troops and make sure we come out victorious, for the people. If you are still unsure on what you will be tasked to do, don't worry, you can ask me or one of the other members of the Ravel Army Group at tonight's dinner meeting. That is if you would join us."
I think about what Jima has said. It is quite a lot to take in and I do not know what to respond yet.
"I will attend tonight's formal meeting, taking that it is formal, as of your orders, however, I cannot give an immediate answer until I have gathered all the required information I need to form a suitable answer."
"A great response and yes, as you thought, it is a former evening and as you have not brought a change of clothes I will allow you to borrow a dress from the dressing chambers.
Now, since everything is up to speed, I must take my leave now to help prepare for the dinner. Meanwhile, you can explore the palace and then get changed for the dinner at 6 PM in...three hours time." Xai Jima looks at the wall clock next to a cabinet and starts to walk towards the end door.
"Well, it was nice meeting you Miss..."
"Jiu Xin-Ma."
"Yes. Jiu Xin-Ma. I'll see you soon." Jima opens the door and slips out of sight.
I'm left with five other people which are all leaders of different military positions.
"I guess I'll be the one to become a tour guide for today." One of the leaders speaks which breaks the heavy silence.
He trudges towards me with his sleek black hair being perched on top of his head, bonded creatively with Kirby grips, and his navy blue uniform cleanly placed on top of his body. He has many miniature medals and badges on top of his coat and, suspiciously, his hands and neck seem to show a few strands of bandage, maybe from fighting too much on the field.
"Shall we go, Miss Jiu Xin-Ma?" The leader raises his arm for me to take it.
"No need to be so formal." I start, taking his arm.
"I am your sister after all."