I woke up very early this morning, so i had time to order coffee from my favorite cafe.
Suddenly I heard a voice Calling me loudly India!India! She shouted,but I did'nt response.
Cause you know i did'nt knew who she was, but I saw our school bus driving Fastly, I checked the time... I realized that I was already late . I Hailed a taxi nervously, as the the taxi driver drove me to school i saw my crush with another girl, well I cared and all but I didn't assumed , So i relaxed take deep Breaths and calm down.
But, at last i had made it to school
But, I saw my crush with the girl again .
My crush was in a higher level and he was way older . we were friends before, but now this Girl is around , I don't have any chance to tell him that I love him. I always tell myself that if my crush wouldn't like me , I will ask him if we can still be friends.
Some people might avoid you if you Confronted them and tell them you have feelings for them. I think those people who have experience that feels so ashamed.
I don't want to experience that, specially to my crush , So I jotted down plans on how to tell my crush i love him...
1)Invite him to go outside to talk
2)Just tell him quickly
3)Tell him in a form of riddle ..
Suddenly...I ran out of ideas, so i texted my Bff and ask her what to do. But?!?! my Bff just told me the same things that I had jotted down! But instead of thinking of ideas we accidentally ended up just talking about our day