Chereads / The Lessons of a Lazy Substitute Teacher First Class / Chapter 150 - Vol. 11 - Chapter 2: The Battle Axe and Roanodare´s Creation

Chapter 150 - Vol. 11 - Chapter 2: The Battle Axe and Roanodare´s Creation

Part 1 – Northern Germany

Lilith was defeated in battle against the legendary Holy Maiden Jeanne D´Arc. The 5 witches split into different directions; Isabella headed to Spain, Irene headed to East Asia, Theodora headed to Africa and Alexandria went to France. Eleanor was the only one who decided to stay in England and the 5 great witches began to create their own covenants where their legends began.

Alexandria´s tragedy continues 100 years later with the famous "Witch hunt" in France where many of her followers were burned alive. This led her and the remaining followers to join the Puritans who were looking for a place to stay. In search for power, Alexandria fought a certain horseman in the northern mountains of Germany.


The temperature sensation is below zero degrees, in a giant crater, two figure stand. The first figure is Alexandria, she had a broken white armor, she was bleeding from her head and right arm. The second figure is a tall man wearing a black armor with a greenish tone. He has a battle axe in his right arm; the lower half of his body is frozen.

"Damn you, white witch, why did you attack me?" The man with the armor asks Alexandria, Alexandria breathes heavily and smiles responding:

"I need that weapon of yours, the famous "Axe of Conquest" held by the legendary horseman of Pestilence."

"Why do you want my battle axe, you that no one but make can wield it." The horseman of Conquest says trying to break free. Alexandria begins to laugh as she says; "You idiot, I want to create my own horseman and for that I need your axe."

"You want to create one? Are you insane?" The horseman asks with a frightened tone. Alexandria with rage look at him, she walks straight at the horseman and begins to freeze him slowly, "I am insane but this is because I have seen many important people die and I couldn't do a thing, now I will grab your power and create a horseman for me. When I do so, this world will know what true despair is."

Alexandria freezes the horseman complexly, she takes the axe causing her arm to rot, Alexandria feels pain but uses an enchantment to make the axe float, she turns around looking at the horseman and says; "I want to try this new axe"-SLLLAASSHHH- Alexandria slashes the horseman in half causing him to completely shatter. She begins to laugh and comments; "Don't worry, you will be reborn again."

During 5 years, Alexandria picked a man who she thought was worthy and used him to try the power of the battle axe, however each time that a man tried to hold the axe; he began to rot and died in an instant. The horseman of Conquest/Pestilence was reborn in Africa, however this time it had only half of its power thanks to Alexandria having the other half.

The legend of the White Witch grew, and people were afraid to go to the mountains. Alexandria couldn't find a worthy wielder of the axe. Alexandria soon needed to flee as the Vatican took notice of her actions, they sent a powerful manna user blessed with the power of the Archangel; Gabriel. Alexandria and her followers join a group of pilgrims who headed towers the New World in search for a new life.

Part 2 - Pilgrim Island

Alexandria arrived to the New World with a group of Puritans, on a small island known as Pilgrim Island under their name. The five families who settle in the colony were; Wicca, Hutch, Greenville, Beldam and Sorcier.

In the Island, there were many pine trees that people used to create cabins, Alexandria decided to stay in the farthest part of the island in order to continue with her studies and witchcraft. The colony was named "Roanodare" in honor of the Roanodare family who perish during the trip. The colony stayed in that island for 25 years until one day:

The village leaders where together having a meeting with Alexandria, one woman stands up and says:

"Alexandria, I have a really bad feeling for the surrounding Natives, yesterday I manage to perceive them looking from the tress outside the island."

"I see, Jeannette, I need you to raise a security watch, we must prevent that from happening." Alexandria says to Jeannette Beldam.

Jeannette Beldam (Age 30) was one of the founders, she had blonde hair, brown eyes, and her appearance was similar to Samantha only different hair color. She wore a long black dress with a white hat.

"Lady Alexandria, I´m afraid that people are beginning to grow afraid of being in this island and this is because of your experiments." A red head woman tells Alexandria, Alexandria looks at the woman and asks; "What do you mean by that Patricia?"

"Well.. Uhhmm.. the thing is that you have been acting weird lately."

Patricia Sorcier (Age 30) was one of the founders of the colony; she had white skin, red hair and red eyes. She was very shy; unfortunately, her linage disappears in the future due to sickness.

"I understand, I know that some of you fear me, but please understand that what I am doing is to protect you."

"Well it doesn't look that way; it seems that you are doing things for your benefits only." Sarah Wicca exclaims with an angry tone. "Wait Sarah, I think you are overreacting, Alexandria only wants to help us out, isn´t that right?"

"Thank you Annette, I know that you understand." Alexandria smiles at Annette. She blushes and walks behind Patricia.

Annette Hutch (Age 25) was the youngest member of the founders; she had brown hair, and white skin. She had black eyes and was really shy to talk. She is the descendant of Abigail and Elizabeth Hutch.


The bell rings, meaning that a threat was near, the elders run outside and see the village on fire, the natives of the region launch a surprise attack to the colony, Alexandria begins to run to her house thinking; "They must not get the axe."

"EVERYONE RUN AWAY!!" The leader; Lord Greenville screams to the people. The villagers get killed by the attacking natives. Lord Greenville and the founders escape to the woods. Alexandria manages to reach her house however it was too late, a native man manages to grab the axe and awaken the power of the horseman.

"NNNNOOOO" Alexandria tries to stop the man but it was too late. A green cloud begins to spread towards the island, the native man disappears and Alexandria manages to retrieve the axe however, the green mist expanded towards the entire island.

People begin to cough up blood, and blood begins to come out of their eyes. People begin to die off, natives and pilgrims in general. On that night, the colony located in Pilgrim Island disappeared in a blink of an eye. Alexandria runs in the forest looking for survivors, Patricia waves at Alexandria. She was carrying a child with her. Alexandria runs towards her and asks:

"Are you okay? Are the others with you?"

Patricia begins to cough up some blood but she looks at Alexandria and says:

"I'm okay, I manage to inhale little of the green smoke but I've manage to save my daughter." Alexandria looks at the child; however the child presented green veins in her bodies. Alexandria makes a "smile" and says; "Thank God you are okay, we must head to where the others are."

Alexandria manages to find the others, a total of 100 people out of 300 survived, however, half of them where contaminated by the green smoke. Lord Greenville proposed to walk to the north. During their trip, people who were contaminated died in days. A couple of weeks later, the 100 people who survived the green mist, only 30 survived.

"Alexandria, I won't be able to go on, please forgive me." Patricia says as she lies in a tent, she is on the brink of death, along with her daughter, but her daughter was in worst condition. Alexandria holds her hand and says;

"Save your breath, I need to save you." However, the green smoke, which was created by the axe, is from a horseman, meaning that there is no cure. Patricia breathes faster as she looks at her daughter and says; "I'm sorry, I won't be able to take…care...of you." Patricia looks at Alexandria and request; "Please look after my daughter. I want you to be with her."

Alexandria looks at Patricia's daughter who already passed away; she begins to cry and holds her hand tighter saying:

"I promise you that I will."

"T-T-THANK…Y-Y-Y-O-U-U" Patricia passes away, Alexandria cries holding her body. "It looks like that was the last one right?" Sarah says with a face full of disgust. Alexandria walks out of the tent with her face looking down.

After Patricia's death, the group went north towards the Empire Territory. Lord Greenville made contact with John and Judith Leeds with their group. With Greenville's group they created the famous Empire City. Time went by and Alexandria and her group manage to prolong their lives with the help of special water that Alexandria brought. In the last decade of the 1600's a major witch hunt, Alexandria unfortunately lost many of her disciples. Alexandria more and more went down into darkness.

Part 3 – American Revolution

After the events of Roanodare, Alexandria moved to Empire City once more. An important event exploded as the American Revolution was set into motion. Alexandria decided to help in the war as a nurse in search for the man who was worthy for the axe.



Civilians run for their lives as cannons fire to a small town near Empire City. Alexandria who was walking across sees the invading British army entering the town. The British army begins to fire and attack those rebels who were in the town; the town soon became a battlefield. Alexandria sees some children running towards a building but a British soldier wanted to attack them.

Alexandria steps forward and says; "I won't let you get a hold of them." The soldier laughs and continues to walk towards Alexandria.


Suddenly, an American soldier hits the British from behind knocking him unconscious. The American soldier helped Alexandria and the two children get out of the town. After Alexandria returns the children to the army she attends the wounds of the American Soldier.

"Please don't move." Alexandria says to the soldier while she puts on bandages. The soldier looks at her and falls in love immediately, he begins to say:

"Sorry for my rudeness, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, what is your name?"

"My name is Alexandria and you?"

"My name is Washington Ichabod, I am a lieutenant in the American army, it is a pleasure to meet you." Ichabod extends his hand to shake, Alexandria blushes and shakes his hand.


Alexandria notices that Ichabod was special, she begins to smile and think; "He is the chosen one, the one who will carry this axe."

Washington Ichabod (Age 28) was the lieutenant of an American battle unit; he had long black hair, white skin and reddish tone eyes. He was a tall and smart man with a muscular body. To Alexandria, he was a worthy candidate.

The American Revolution was fought for many years, during that time, Alexandria and Ichabod got marry. Alexandria gave birth to a boy and a girl. The boy was named Thomas Ichabod and the girl was named Mary Anne Ichabod. Washington retired from the war, and decided to leave peacefully with Alexandria. However after only 5 years, he was called into battle once more. Alexandria left his children with the Williams family and followed Ichabod.


The battle continued in an open field, the American Army was pushed back, Ichabod charges to the front line screaming:


"AHHHHH" The army charges forward, however, tragedy once again fell to the battlefield as an unknown horseman wearing a red cape charged towards the battlefield.


The horseman slashes Ichabod´s men and kills them in an instant. With rage, Ichabod charges after the horseman with his own horse.-BBBAAADDDUUMMMPPP- Alexandria who was in the tent helping the injure, begins to feel pain in her heart. She stands up and says:

"Ichabod, he is in danger."

Alexandria begins to run towards the battlefield following Ichabod´s manna. Meanwhile Ichabod chases after the horseman with red cape screaming:


As they go deeper into the woods the horseman stops. Ichabod stops as well and comes down of the horse saying; "You monster, you killed my men and now you shall pay."

Ichabod takes out his sword; the horseman gets down of the horse and takes the cape off revealing to be a woman with red hair. She had a pale white skin and red eyes. Ichabod paralyzes as he feels terror, the woman takes out her sword and says; "Ichabod, I came to kill you. I am the Horseman of War and my duty is to end with the American Army."


The woman slashes Ichabod´s head in an instant, she swings her sword spilling the blood and cleaning it and puts it away saying, "May your soul rest in peace."

The horsewoman gets in her horse and gallops away. Alexandria who is running in the forest sees Ichabod´s decapitated body; "IICCCCHHHAAABBBOODDD" Alexandria screams as she sees Ichabod dead, she runs and grabs his body crying;

"Please don't leave me, please."

Alexandria remembers the axe, she takes it out and makes Ichabod grab it saying, "Please be compatible, please don't leave me." Suddenly, clouds begin to form but with green lightning coming down.


A large lightning hits Ichabod's body; he begins to rise up without his head. Ichabod grabs his head and puts it on, his appearance change a little bit; his eyes had black corneas and green eyes with small cracks in his pupils, he had fangs and he emitted green manna.

"Ichabod is that you?" Alexandria asks in a low tone, Ichabod looks at her and smiles saying; "Of course, and now I will finish this battle."

Ichabod swings his axe towards the direction of the British army opening a huge hole causing the army to fall.


"You have done, you are now the Horseman of Conquest." Alexandria says with tears in her eyes, Ichabod hugs her and says; "Thank you for saving my life, I love you."

"I love you too." Alexandria replies as she kisses Ichabod in the lips. The two kiss as a massive explosion happens in the hole where the British army fell.

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