Out of Harry Wenards body flouted a purple like ghost floating in the air above the body and floated towards Alan
"Boss are you okay" a voice echoed through the cave and Lilian instantly hid behind Alan who got in a defensive stance
Alan summoned Nixon who ripped them to shreds and a Alan absorbed them all
Alan burnt the bodies and absorbed them and then he summoned Spectram and put Lilian to sleep.
A week had past and Alan had brought a spell book from the shop for Spirit Magic and started to learn it and he now had learnt 4 spell and these spells are;
Spiritual chains
Absolute Spirit blades
Spirit dome
Spiritual inner destruction
Alan and Lilian became closer during the time and eventually Lilian asked Alan to be her boyfriend to which he agreed.
Alan and Lilian made plans to leave the forest and go back to Alan's previous house.
A Few Days Later
Alan started to wake Lillian up to leave and so Alan cooked breakfast and started to pack his stuff and wore his silver mask which covered his eyes.
as they where travelling they came across many beasts wich they easily dispatched and after roughly an hour of walking they came across the main path and eventually after another half an hour of walking they came across a large city with massive black gates and then there was carnage.