South Lekki Preparatory School, is a school founded in the First Era. His classes included the fundamentals of magic. Magical creatures and monsters. history of the world. Vocations (classes class) lol.
Class 1 A was full of the smartest kids each of them had a better than average knowledge and whatever they specialized in. Kwanda thought it was weird. Diana explained that all of them are practicing their talent. in the First year of school if one knows what their talent is and pushes it to the limit and win the Talent cup at the end of the year. He could have an advantage in the next year.
Competition is the lifeblood of our school. Unlike other schools, they had a focus on applied skills. So from a young age, they would be taught how to make potions for example not just the theory of it.
Daniel and Diana were his closest friends in the morning they would catch up about how things were going at home. What sort of magic they used.
Since Kwanda was yet to incorporate many elements into his source his magic was weaker than his friends. He was as the saying goes a Jack of all magic a master of none. His sister's had told him that incorporating elements into his source was not something that he should rush the deeper his well the more water it can hold and they were digging every day through the various lessons his sister gave him.
Ms. Pando was a teacher with a commanding presence all her students had to have the best grade every day they would be test on the impervious days' lessons. She wanted all of them to have memorized the fundamentals of magic by the end of the month. She said critical thinking methods in the book would make better students and even better fighters.
Breaks were pretty laid back they were noises of children playing everywhere except for the top six of class 1A. They would spar with each other and drop all kinds of quizzes. They were all making preparations for the class tournament. The Six were mostly ranged mages, that's how they all got into this school they had activated a talent. The others in class one 1 A. All had some sort of talent all associated with magic.
Kwanda was getting all kinds of lessons from his sister's, Liza was in charge of combat training he was teaching Diana and Daniel the fundamental forms he was learning as from Liza and it was great practice. One day she even came and gave them tips that night she also increased the difficulty of her classes.
Kwanda was a great learner for magic it came to him like rain in the desert, he would absorb everything. Diana was a lightning mage and Daniel a wind mage. They were showing him how they used basic attack spells and such. Kwanda was quickly able to replicate the spell they were weaker but at least he had them down.
The middle of the week he was worried about the end of week tournament that he asked Wendy for some tips. She gave him a pendant that all his sisters also wore and said this, my assistant, they hugged him and said welcome to the club. They had a bitter smile when they hugged him.
The class tournament was full of talented young people looking to make a name for themselves. Each had a desire that they wanted to fulfill. Kwanda's own goal was yet to be discovered. The straws was going to be drawn to see who would fight who.
Most people in the six were excited only Kwanda and Daniel was naturally nervous as they were not fighters.
Diana being the daughter of an Inquisitor meant she probably had the best fighting skills in the class.
In the class, the tournament pets were allowed however the top six promised not to use any as a personal challenge. Kwanda had no choice as his pet egg was yet to hatch and the drake he had earlier. Wendy said if he used his pet she increase, his training load by double. He caught a lucky break. That they bet on each other who would win without pets.
The following day the morning class was teaming with excitement, murmuring students discussing the future. The Six went first, they would all be in different groups Ms. Pando had set up the tournament in a way that the best would face each other last.
During the break Richard came to Kwanda with another student they knocked over lunch and walked away laughing at Kwanda. He thou was not so bothered he was too nervous to eat and to busy to fight them but he would not forget.
Daniel thou did teach them a lesson he had used his wind magic to cause some of the older girls to skirt in front of Richard and his friend to lift. They got a beating and a discipline note to take home.
Kwanda was focusing on the breathing technique Wendy had taught him while waiting for Diana she was the best to spar with after all. Soon the trio gathered to discuss strategy for tomorrow. It was obvious they would play to their strengths. Each discussed the weakness of the other. Daniel's was that he could not fight close range, he would get flustered and run away. Kwanda was that even thou he used magic it was rather weak and short-ranged doesn't hurt much.
Diana was too overconfident that what Liza said the one time she gave them tips as the boys couldn't think of anything they used her words well.
The trio practiced together until they had to go back to class. The Six best students walked in Diana, Daniel, Kwanda, Lebo, Cho, and Rose. They all looked a bit more powerful than the rest even in a week the difference in the effort was beginning to show. Ms. Pando declared that the winner of the tournament would get a skill pill of their choice made by a grandmaster in any field taught at the school.
The big day was upon them to frighten some of the competition, Cho had realized her baby giant before class claiming she needed to make sure that he was not hurt from training.
The students came in a combat uniform and gathered in the classroom. They took a ride to the battlegrounds, on a giant centipede. The grounds were like a Colosseum, with a variety of fields matches would be held concurrently. Several of the matches produced a surprise a young frail-looking girl used alchemy in combat a rare skill. It was a bit lackluster, but the application of her skill was impressive it is just a shame her next opponent was Rose North, one of the six. She bit the other student without the use of a single spell or weapon. She had delivered a conclusive victory even Diana was surprised she had set a gold standard for all of them.
The rest all performed exceptionally well also, even thou the fights were not anything special. They were exciting especially when Themba and Vimbi used their pets one was a Voidpanther and the other a Shadow leopard. two creatures are known for their abilities in stealth.
Kwanda's fight with a young man Kenya in the third round also had a surprise as the youth had managed to combine with his pet a favorite skill of druid and skinwalkers. Kwanda still dispatched him it just took about two minutes longer. This was mainly also because during the fight he only used martial arts. He was trying to be like Liza she us mighty impressive a difficult goal to attain.
The midday came quickly after lunch would the battle of the final twelve, all of the six had made it. Not a single had stumbled even a little Ms. Pando was a little worried but it had happened in years before so knew how to deal with the bravado of youth.
First up were Daniel and Kate. Kate is a charmer she uses her magic on both creatures and people unfortunately the pheromone she releases was blown away by Daniel.
Next Rose and Sike a young from river clan. She was a spirit chaser. However, Rose as to fast for her to even use her abilities. She collapsed without using a single skill. Diana did the same to her opponent.
Cho fought Hugo, while Lebo fought Chavez who was Hugo's twin the ladies destroyed the cocky boys with their skills the final round would be decided next the fights would
Rose vs Daniel
Kwanda vs Cho
Diana vs Lebo
The stage was Rose and Daniel walked up to the platform. Daniel took his position ready to defend himself. Rose's school combat uniform was untouched Daniel realized what kind of predicament he was in. She had got to the final without so much as a single scratch on her.