The half of the mall was blown to smithereens. Bodies of dead and alive people strewn across the debris and floor of the once beautiful place. Shouts for help were heard amidst the chaos. My breath caught from the intensity of the damage these beasts made to the world. They are seeking for death.
I was brimming with anger begging for release. I have to find and chop that beast to pieces.
"Let's go," I heard Ren. I nodded and looked at him, anger still rolling out me in waves, fists clenched tightly as my sword and armor shimmered around me.
We ran outside towards the source of commotion where I saw the most magnificent creature I have ever seen.
"What is that?" I asked my teammates in closed teeth. Clearly, my anger has been pent up and now I have something for my release.
"A Hydra," Ren said, his face paling. All my friends were.
"Why? What's wrong?" I asked, my bile rising, begging too, for release.
"Have you read stories about these mythical creatures?" Ren asked me, face grim.
Okay. I'm seriously not liking that face. I shook my head in fear. Clearly my aversion to the library has some disadvantages.
"Should we cut all of its heads?" I asked, feeling small as they glared at me for that question.
Ren sighed, "We can't. Or until we know its immortal head, we can't cut them all."
"Why?" I asked again, sensing my team's growing fear and anxiety.
Ren looked at me, worry, fear and anger all coming out from that handsome face, "When we cut one head, out springs two. If we're lucky enough to cut the immortal head at the first try, we still need to cut the other heads. Only then can that beast be defeated."
My mind reeled in shock. The heck. This beast is one f*cking big problem.
"Isn't there something to do once we cut the head? Something that prevents it from healing or growing back new skin? Like in cases of burned people, the skin never – "
My eyes widened in shock and I looked at Ren who was grinning back at me.
"By the Great Mage Nina! You are a genius!" Ren said enthusiastically. He called the others to formulate a plan.
The plan was simple to think about, but very hard to deliver. While waiting for Ling, Sylvia and Ren are to distract the beast. Ling would be our star for this fight. Cellon, Apollo and I will be on standby.
When Ling arrives, Cellon would heal Sylvia and Ren. While Ling, Apollo and I, will terrorize that beast. Right now, my anger has simmered down to a nice warm bath. It wasn't boiling anymore, making me think rationally and connecting to my magical spirit more clearly. I need to be in my best form so that I won't jeopardize the safety of my team and the humans surrounding us.
We watched from afar as Sylvia and Ren battled the Hydra, avoiding decapitating it, just to annoy it really. This part of the plan was what I didn't like. They might annoy the Hydra and they would be plucked off and eaten. But I can't see anything to go around it. We have to weaken it, even just a tiny bit and avoid it from destroying the whole city.
I sighed. Just then, a warp gate opened in front of me and out came Ling.
"Ling!" I exclaimed. "It's so glad to see you! Come here!"
I pulled him towards where Cellon and Apollo where standing and shared to him the plan.
Ling grinned after hearing it. "Game on," he said. And Cellon let out a blinding light, signaling to Sylvia and Ren that we're ready to take over.
And here I am, running around this stupid Hydra. I couldn't even get a hit to it. His heads can see me wherever I go. I was the only one facing the Hydra while Apollo and Ling watched and waited for where I would cut first.
The plan was when I cut, Ling would open a warp gate near the neck and Apollo would hurl flames to cauterize the wound, thereby impaling the regenerative abilities of the Hydra. But now, that plane proved to be extremely difficult because I was the only sole focus of the Hydra. When I get near a head, another head would try to kill me. This is getting really, really frustrating.
I groaned before shouting to them while kicking one head who almost ate me, "Hey! I need help! I need someone to distract the Hydra so that I can cut anywhere these damned heads!"
Ren and Sylvia probably heard me because they were at my side in an instant, although they were still panting from their fight against the Hydra earlier.
"Oh thank god you're here. I want you all to distract it. So that I can maneuver easily. Can you do that? You have to take all seven heads to focus on you. And then I'll strike."
They both nodded as lightning cracked across the sky. I walked to Apollo and Ling.
"Hey, change of plans. We need to end this quickly. We cut one head and the others would focus on us three and there'll be no one left to cut the other heads. We lack manpower for a seven-headed beast."
"So, what are we going to do?" Apollo asked.
"We'll cut all the heads in one fell swoop and you Ling, will make a big warp gate so that Apollo can burn it all to the ground."
They both gaped at me like I was some crazy bitch.
I chuckled, "You look like fishes too."
"Can you do that?" Apollo asked me skeptically.
"Just watch," as I willed my sword to be one giant sword.
The perks of being a weapons mage is that no matter how big or how small the weapon is, it would still weigh the same for me. And as such I have no such problems.
I turned to the fight, Apollo and Ling getting ready for my mark. I inhaled deeply to get my bearings and focus on the Hydra. Its heads are still fighting against Sylvia and Ren, Cellon casting spells on them non-stop. I know they were tired from the earlier fight, but we don't have much choice.
I looked at Apollo and Ling and nodded, signaling them that the time is almost here. I crouched down and walked stealthily towards the Hydra. Its six heads were fighting with Sylvia and Ren but the other one, was just at the back observing its surroundings.
I cursed at our bad luck. This beast is as intelligent as I am. I need it fully distracted to execute my plans. I ran back to our original position.
"Apollo, can you join the fight?"
"Uh yes, but I can't be ready when you can half it."
I laughed at Apollo's choice of words. But it was true, if I could cut all seven heads at once, the Hydra would be sliced in half.
"It's up to Ling to do that. When Ling sees that I finally did it, Ling would open a war gate in front of you then at the top of the Hydra. Can you do that Ling?"
Ling nodded. "Good. Can I ask you to do that Apollo?"
Apollo grinned, "Heck yeah!"