Chereads / Little Girl's Wild Side / Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

Chapter 2 - Chapter 1

3 years later, Chennai.

Climate was humid... Dark clouds covered the sky like a blanket over the city but still no rain. It was almost as if the clouds are teasing the city. As if they are daring the people to set their foot out the doors. And in sink, the city was quiet compared to other days. It was as if people are playing a safe bet.

"Siinnddhuu" Aruna her mom's voice shrilled through the room bringing her out of her train of thought.

"Sindhu, Gautham's family will be here any moment. Are you even ready yet?" Aruna continued shouting on top of her lungs.

Oh shit! She didn't notice the time. She must have been daydreaming longer than she originally planned. Shit Shit! Her mom is going to be hysterical if she saw her in this state. She was still in her sweat pants and t-shirt.

Sindhu suddenly panicked and scrambled from her balcony. She went straight to the washroom along with the dress she had already chosen for the occasion.

She came out after 10 minutes for a quick shower and wearing the dress. It was a salwar suit and it was blue! Yuck! Okay, it's not exactly yuck but it's just she would rather prefer red or black over blue. But her mom strictly prohibited so she chose the next best alternative.

She went near the dressing table and brushed her medium length hair and then eventually plaited it into a French braid. She would have preferred to tuck the whole plait on top of my head with a clip but she would never hear the end of it if her mom sees it. SO she kept it down like the good girl that she was! Yea right- note the sarcasm.

Next is the face... Okay, she had not touching any makeup in her life even so she was not touching them now even if she had to hear hours of lecture from her mom. Thus she kept her face plain but she did draw a long thin bindhi with the eyeliner. Then she chose the accessories. She wore a long earring that almost touched her shoulders. She then wore a plain chain with a butterfly pendant. It was a gift from her brother from his first salary. Well, it's the only chain she did have anyway... So she didn't have to wrack her brain to choose. Yup she was not a fan of jewelry. And then after searching through my drawers for a solid 10 minutes she finally found her bangles and her watch.

Yup, She was ready and on time too.

Seeing herself in the mirror she can't believe that she was the same girl who used to drive a badass bike and wear leather jackets only 3 years ago. She had changed a lot. All those memories seemed as if they had happened eons back instead of measly 3 years. The girl back then seemed so farfetched now.

Three years ago the girl would have run away from the house at the mention of marriage. But here she was dolling up for an arranged marriage without much resistance.

Okay, marriage is not fixed yet. It's, in fact, the first meeting, for her and Gautham while their parents met a week before.

She came out of her train of thoughts when the bell sound shrilled through the house. She guessed Gautham's family had arrived. So she quickly ran to the balcony. She couldn't help but wish to have a peek at Gautham before going down.

What?? She might not like makeups and jewels but she was still a girl. But she was not lucky. They have already crossed the threshold of visibility from her balcony... Oh, wait... That must be him. Yumm man.

He had dark hair, tall, lean and blue eyes. He looks good, especially in those jeans and formal shirt. He was busy in a call, so he was lagging behind his parents. He quickly cut his call seeing my mom coming towards him to greet him. Not bad, a boy with manners...

Once she was done inspecting she decided to spare her mom some throat ache and go down before her mum has to shout again to call her down.

She plastered a big goofy smile in her face before exiting the room and went down to the living room where everyone was seated now. She greeted everyone politely and on queue, her mom asked her to go bring refreshments from the kitchen for everyone which was the duty of the girl of the house- According to her mom mind you. But she goes anyways without any protest but she suddenlyd felt a pair of eyes on her back while she was leaving. When she looked back she could see Gautham staring at her but as soon as their eyes met he looked away pretending to do something with his phone playing dumb.

She let out an amused chuckle and went on to do her mum's bidding.

After a few minutes, Sidhu came back with the refreshments and served everyone. When she served Gautham he seemed nervous which only boosts her already 'good for nothing' arrogance.

Gautham's parents asked her to sit next to them... his mom asked her some questions regarding my studies and other general stuff and she answered them as politely as she can.

It's not that she do not have respect for elders but she was just a little low on patience so it was difficult to not to be blunt most of the time. But she tries.

After the questioning session, his parents started discussing something to her parents which left just Sindhu and Gautham who just happen to be viewing the paintings in the living room with curiosity.

It was a giant painting of a phoenix.

"Before you ask... I did paint that one" Sindhu told him in a low voice leaning towards him.

He was startled at first but after turning towards her briefly he once again gave his attention to the Phoenix. She must say she am quite proud of that piece. It was huge and vibrant with colors that just... you just can't go without noticing it.

"Can I have a closer look?" he asked her pointing at the painting on the wall. She thought of some witty comebacks but bit back her tongue and just nodded.

Both of them approached the painting. It was hung low on the plain wall of her living room. It was a 48 by 48-inch piece. It looked as if the bird is bleeding through the wall. Sindhu made her dad paint the wall white just for this painting.

Gautham jaws dropped even so slight seeing it up close... "You have an amazing talent Sindhu," Gautham said with his eyes still not leaving the painting.

She just stood there quietly as he observed each and every brush stroke in there. She was used to people appreciating this painting but none praised it so bluntly. And it was evident that he was sincere in his compliment.

"This Phoenix... It has a deeper meaning for you, doesn't it? Like... It's more than just paints and brushes... it's more of your heart and soul isn't it??" he asked Sindhu in a soft voice finally looking straight into my eyes, rendering her absolutely speechless.

It was partly his eyes but mainly it was what he said. He was absolutely right. For a person who just laid eyes on it for a few meager minutes he actually hit bull's eyes. This painting... it was more than just brush strokes and paint. It represented a time in her life that only she knew of. She never let any person know about it. Not even Aarav knows the emotions behind this painting and the part of her life that it represents. But Gautham saw right through it. Maybe that's why; starring into his eyes Sindhu became nervous for the first time in her life. His blue eyes made her anxious. He was looking at her like he was seeing right through her plastered smiles and quick jokes... And that thought is quite terrifying on itself for her.

"Yes... I... I mean yes it does have a deeper meaning to me" Sindhu stuttered out. She wanted to be far away from the person in front of her. His penetrating stare made weird things to her and she knew as a fact that she dit not like it.

She took a lot of efforts to build the walls around her. It was airtight as far as she was concerned. Nobody ever got through those walls. This person suddenly can't just like that look at a painting and walk right through it.