Chereads / Gundam System ( Gundam ULTER ) / Chapter 24 - High Quality Crystalized Energy 4 ( Last part)

Chapter 24 - High Quality Crystalized Energy 4 ( Last part)

Back to when Arkaus had successfully avoid the danger and contacted Lacus.

" Christy, Change of plans. Please go back to Sheath and defend it. I need you to overwhelm the enemies. Shiina and Kaga please support her. "

" Why? how about you? " Christy was worried .

"Of course this guy will go alone like he always had. " Kaga intercepted at e very timed manner.

" Is that true? " Christy asked again.

" Yes , because none of your Mobile suit are suitable for this condition. " Arkaus explained.

" I see.... " Christy responded dejectedly.

" Just let this guy show off like always. He seemed like he got a devil's luck on him. "

Kaga continued.

" It not like, but he got it. " even Shiina had agreed.

"..... Well, if you guys say so... " Christy helplessly accept and went with them.

' haaa.... Fortunately I've planned from the start. '

They didn't know that actually Arkaus had considered this from the start. That's why they're being arranged for piloting these Gundam that didn't fit for infiltration but completely perfect for defense.

It was also the same with the others.

Both other team had crowd control and disruptive attacks that can buy them time and chances to survive.

One side had Gundam Deflector, The other side Fang skills using Gundam Broadsword had surpassed what Arkaus had expected.

He can return back the attacks of the enemies . In the simulation system, he had even reversed Gundam Ulter energy beams at 15% power multiple times.

For real, this guy had talents that can make him the MC that was unbeatable and overpowered throughout the story.

' Maybe just if, if I'm not traveling through time and space , he might be the Male lead? '

' Hey, why i even thought something like this?'

" Okay! Time to beat some sense to this old man head!."

as there's no other way, I've go through the same tunnel but this time i flew faster to find the intersection.

Then i saw thick steel gates appeared to close the way.

I quickly flew with Gundam Myths in Trans-Arm mode to make sure i passed them.

I wanted to relaxed myself a bit but lights had gathering in front of me . So I was forced to go even faster and i shot some of my wings beams to slow down them a bit.

It was as i expected , the intersection was there but closed tightly.

Unfortunately for him, I already got the data for this security gate.

I hacked it and done , ta-daa...

At this time , someone had requested a Vidcomm to me. I accepted and saw a man horrendously .... i mean horribly in messy state.

" Who're you? You want the results right? Take it! Spare my life. I don't even need yours. "

His face looked like a scared man.

" Hoho.... before you act mighty and so arrogantly . Where's your previous attitude? "

" I'm sorry , i really am. I'll sent you the data immediately . please accept this data. "

He quickly clicking and after a half minutes....

.....A data transfer request appears in Myths Screen waiting for my confirmation.

" Well... wait a bit. "

When i responded that way, he was shocked , speechless about the whole situation.

" ........ "

After a good few minutes i didn't accept and rejected it.

" Ossan, sorry... I'm just buying time for myself. "

" W-what did you say!? how come you're not accepting? "

" I'll say, it's commendable that you're quite an actor though you can be thinking that I'm easily fooled by this kind of scheme won't you? "

Etherion face changed from his shocked act to a laughing man.

" Hahahaha.... You're really not ordinary, My guardians have come. will you be able to get out? Just surrender , I'll make sure that you'll be a good assistant of mine. "

" What about that's will be my offer. Be my assistant , as i lack people that can follow my way of thoughts. " As i got a bit interested in this old man , i gave him an offer.

" Hah? You!? What kind of environment that can you offer me? This is the best that i could asked. Not to mention where did you get that kind of capital. " He proudly bragging about his lab.

" I see, you still fell short from what i expect.

But I'll ask you once more, Be my assistant."

" Impertinent brat... Say that to me if you can

escape safely. "

" Well, I'll hold your words, i hope you'll do the same. Half year or maybe after a year I'll come to find you. Just left this code to your account later. " I sent a secret encrypted code for opening file . It's an unnoticeable software that won't obstructing people at all.

It will just stick itself to the system they're installed , so it's more like a brand tho.

He couldn't rejected it , so I'm sure it's arrived at his place.



Anyway, the rest just easy .

As Sheath being attacked , we've had prepared ourselves completely.

It's really unfortunate for Sien not being able to participate as the laser got side effects that causing Havoc in his body and Gundam Deflector itself.

The others were fine and the guardians....

It was very easy, but when only compared to People like Kira Yamato or Setsuna.

Okay, they're quite good.

Ithuna, and Phosee got some trouble but Kolt just doing fine.

While Zero, Akai, and Bourbon quickly beat 15 of them just with three lf them.

Christy , Shiina and Kaga did as what i have asked . They're really done a good deed this time. But yeah.... Christy always do .

Based on Lacus story, Christy didn't need any intruction from her as she done what needed and helped her to command Kaga, and Shiina to defense some part that enemies had sneaked up . And she even noticed danger that Lacus herself realized too late if Christy didn't initiate the first move.

I went through the rest of the systems and took away the secret Data.

There's also mechs and people guarding the place.

Luckily or not..... I've prepared three of the flying machine . After disabling the people and destroying the unmanned mechs , all of them were as i expected.

Fang took the prototype High Quality Crystalized Energy back to Sheath.

The prototype was much smaller as it is a test object after all.

Fang really insane, He crushed the laser body and circuits. It was surely cause them some more deficit .

Broadsword with shockwaves had been the bane of energy based technologies .

Pratically everywhere he went were swept in destructions.


There's no more things that can be noted.

What we need must be an opponents that can fight against Arkaus and members of Sheath to an even ground.

So here's the question!

I've set up several chapters for gaining more knowledges and allies.

We're going to skip them and fill it on the related chapter? or just let this slowly moved without skipping anything?


Arkaus just used the Trans-Arm mode to quickly ran to Sheath.

When he saw Sheath, It was not inside the Cliff's Cave.

Sheath had prepared to set off.

All the others was still fighting to defend Sheath. Arkaus helped them a bit until Fang came out while avoiding and blocking the attacks that aimed at him.

After everything and everyone gathered

Arkaus had been the last one to enter as he flew with Sheath for few minutes to protect it.

And the time had come to hold a meeting, cleaning the aftermath , noting the battle reports, celebration, and researching.

Well, there's also time to take a break, like spending time with Christy, Lacus, Shiina and Kaga, training Fang, Zero,Sien,Bourbon,Akai, Ithuna, Phosee,Kolt .

Hmm.... i think there's many more but no need to tell you though...