In the conference room of the ancient city sat Mr. Woolsey and the Travelers delegation. In the past the two groups had been uneasy allies. Being one of the more advanced races in Pegasus the Tauri hoped to find a useful ally in the war with the Wraith. The Travelers in return hoped to advance their technology as cheaply as possible.
"Mr. Woolsey we have fought together in the past against a common enemy in the Asurans. The Wraith are also a shared enemy between our two people and every other human in this galaxy. This fight would be greatly simplified if you would simply equip my people with ancient technology" stated Larrin.
"Technology transfer is not on the table I'm afraid" replied Woolsey.
"You want my people to fight this battle for you but you won't share technology that isn't even really yours" smiled Larrin,
"We are not seeking to have you fight this war for us. Case in point we have been prosecuting this war almost single handedly since our arrival in Pegasus. On the second point you're incorrect. The ancients called our planet home for many millions of years before their arrival in this galaxy, we are currently allies of the ascended ancients, and this technology was left for our later use" smoothly replied Woolsey.
"Then just what is it your people are offering us" demanded Larrin.
"We have a sizeable fleet of our own in this galaxy that can further assure the safety of your people. You also would have the aid and assistance of our people in the building of permanent planetary colonies. Beyond that what is it you're hoping for" asked Woolsey.
"I only want what is best for my people. Surely you understand that. I'll compromise. Provide two vessels like the ancient vessel we lost and you'll have your alliance" countered Larrin.
"Ah yes, your ancient vessel. Its destruction is regrettable, but those behind the root cause of its destruction have been dealt with and are no longer in this galaxy. Again this goes back to technology transfer and that simply is off the table" replied Woolsey.
"My people need vessels. Without them we will be forced to offload more and more of our people on planets where they are at risk" answered Larrin.
"Perhaps we can assist you with that. We have at our disposal certain rapid production techniques that can be utilized. Doctor Zelenka has informed me of the degraded material condition of the vessel he was aboard. If you can provide the schematics we will construct them, but no technological upgrades will be included" offered Woolsey.
"Provide two of these ships as a show of good faith and perhaps in a year the proposal can be reevaluated in a favorable light" rebutted Larrin.
"Let me be blunt. You are asking for ships but offering nothing but hollow promises of reevaluation in the future. This gives us nothing. Our fleet along with our allies in our home galaxy even now are combating the Wraith and succeeding on a level unseen before. A year from now we simply won't need an alliance with your people. If an alliance can be solidified today with newly produced copies of your current ships that is acceptable to us. We will even ensure your people are admitted into the Coalition of Planets providing you with an entire galaxy of trading partners" stated Woolsey.
Chuck quickly entered the conference room. Making his way quickly to the side of his expedition commander Chuck quickly informed Woolsey of the subspace message that had been received from Colonel Sheppard, along with video of the event. Woolsey asked Chuck to transfer the message to the conference room for display on the large flat panel display in the corner before telling the visiting delegates of what he wished them to see. After viewing the video Larrin was taken aback at the destructive powers these people possessed.
"You managed to hurt the Wraith, but this is far from ending their rule in this galaxy" said Larrin slightly taken aback.
"Wraith tenure over this galaxy is over. Soon more of our forces will be in this galaxy, along with forces from our allies back home. If you're going to get on the winning side now would be the time" urged Woolsey.
"This still isn't enough for my people" countered Larrin.
"You fight for the good of your people and should be commended for that. Unfortunately very soon your people will bring nothing to the table so to speak to achieve an alliance with my government. We'll give you your ships and nothing more. Take it over leave it" finished Woolsey.
"We'll transmit the design schematics of the vessels to you before we break orbit. My people will require your assistance in construction of planetary settlements, agriculture, along with medical assistance. In return we'll give you your alliance" agreed Larrin uncomfortably.
"Agreed" said Woolsey in closing.