Chapter 17 - Chapter 17


The gate room was in a state of organized chaos as shipment after shipment of weapons containers arrived from the newly replaced Midway station. With all ships in both galaxies currently tasked to other matters none were available to ferry needed items from the Milky Way to Pegasus. Luckily the McKay/Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge was once again in use. After the destruction of the original Midway station use of the bridge was suspended until a replacement station could be completed.

The new supplies were intended for both TF-190 and the X-302's assigned to the TF Pegasus vessels. Several of the items arriving made the control room staff raise an eyebrow in surprise. In the fourth gate activation Air Force and Army ordinance specialists filed in to become the newest additions to the Atlantis expedition. Certain weapons containers were beamed aboard orbiting TF Pegasus ships, while other containers we moved to one of the growing numbers of armories within the city.

After the seizure of Stargate's on all known Genii worlds space gates had been put in place. This allowed cloaked Jumpers to maintain regular aerial surveillance and monitor enemy radio communications. These same Jumpers also delivered several Special Forces teams known as Operation Detachment Alphas or ODA's. These teams were assigned the mission of overwatch and intelligence collection. Their Rules of Engagement (ROE) prevented them from any direct contact with enemy forces. As the battlefield and electronic intelligence was collected and deciphered on Atlantis, direct action plans began to take shape. Colonel Frost believed the path to victory lay in implanting a sense of panic in the Genii forces and ratcheting the level ever higher until resistance collapsed.

Allies around the galaxy were turning up very little intelligence on the Genii. Several safe houses were uncovered, but were found to be abandoned. It appeared that the Genii had gone into hiding. Reading these reports Mr. Woolsey could not bring himself to suppress the feeling that this conflict would be very one sided and was highly unnecessary.


Final resupply had been completed four days ago. The inhabitants of the Ancient vessel were sad to see the Athena depart for Earth. Colonel Eckhart had made it a point to point out that they would return in ninety days. Knowing they were no longer alone in their travels the expedition members found strength.

Using the communication stones General Jack O'Neill was aboard. He had much to share with everyone aboard. Some of it Jack still had trouble wrapping his mind around. Meeting in the observation deck was the General, Colonel Young, Lt. Scott, TJ, Eli, and doctors Rush, Volker, Brody, and Park.

"Ladies and gentlemen, much has happened in the last month. As you all know we now have the ability to support you with ships from Earth. The recent resupply and repair mission validated that point. Athena will return as Col. Eckhart informed you. It had been planned to increase your manpower upon the next resupply. That plan has now been shelved. With the assistance of the Ancients and the Furling we will be bringing you home. Using the super gate in the Milky Way left behind by the Ori during their invasion and with the creation of a super gate in this galaxy along your projected flight path you will be gating back home in the next four months." said the General.

The looks on the faces of everyone present were one of shock, then overwhelming happiness. Finally, they would be going home! Applause broke out in the room.