{Now let's get this straight I am an otaku or weeb not sure which one yet and I am in high school As of now however I am going to have more mature content for while my body is young, my mind is not so you can thank anime for that. Also, my MC is mostly going to be like me except for the name because a name is truly powerful. So without further ado let's begin}
June 13, 2019
It's been a couple of days since summer vacation started and I'm feeling pretty bored. Well, when I'm not being forced to work by my . . . ANYways, I am really bored so I decided to go for a quick bike around the neighborhood and then go for some ice cream since it is quite hot out. I really gotta stop self-monologuing it's gonna get me killed some day.
Little did I know I was actually gonna get killed today. . . Hahaha yeah right.
(Crap what noise that a bike make again like ~sheeeereeeee or something)
Well then I am now going on my usual route and everything seems normal you know birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like this kid like me should be getting the fuck away from semi-trucks!
Heh, But really though what the heck is up with semi-trucks in Japanese anime right before the MC gets reincarnated into a fantasy medieval world with magic and different races and stuff this shit actually happens so often people are calling that a natural phenomenon and a cliche we weebs and otakus even named it Truck-Kun. Heck right before that happens there is usually a person who yells out-
"Kid Watch Out!"
Exactly! We see what's going on and that line just helps the MC keep up...wait wasn't I just thinking that?! So unless the random person that just called out to me can read my mind. . . I turn my head to the right.
*sigh* "thank Go-"WHAM!!!
. . . . .
. . .
. .Bullshit! This is so fucking cliche!
"Oh, shit kid you all right?!"
"What do you think?"
"Um.. fine?"
"This is bullshit I muttered, ok please call 911 sir for you see I am currently bleeding furiously and I think that some of my ribs are broken, also I have no feeling in my lower half, thank you"
"Ok kid just hang on!"
Damn could he BE any louder I'm trying to rest in peace, not irritation! Well, I can't feel my lower half, not even my penis, what I'm a man(teen) and I have priorities. Who the heck am I talking to? Oh crap! Is this the type of thinking that goes through people's minds when they lose too much blood?!
"Hello 911! Can I please get an ambulance, yeah a kid got run over by . .by whaaaaahaaaahaa"
"Sir where is your location."
"I'm at ....."
Why did I have to get run over by an idiot?! Dang, that crap about your life flashing before your eyes when you're about to die is really true.
"Hey driver guy"
"Yeah what is it, kid?!"
"Can you get me a cookie if I don't m-mak-make it?"
"Kid I said hold on! please!"
"Sorry don't have enough strength"
"Also it better be a-"
"Yeah I know kid chocolate chip"
*darkness slowly started taking over me*
So this is how I die, well at least I get a cookie a chocolate chip at that, I wonder if I'm gonna be a baby or the same age when I reincarnate.
"Yeah, a chocolate chip cook-ki..." the kid slowly closed his eyes.
"Kid?kid?KID?" Nonononononono no! Damn it how could I kill a kid so young (Hey! In not young I'm 14!)
"Where is the kid?" a paramedic asked (IM NOT A KID I'M 14 YOU F%CK WARDS!!!)
"Away from this world", I answered
"Oh god did you run him over with a fucking monster truck?!"
"No, it was a semi-truck"
The paramedic had a shocked expression on her face she then looked up in the sky and said "Dear God Truck-Kun has
come to America and he was the first victim!
Paramedic POV :
I rushed up to the kid he looks Asian and wait.. is that a smile on his face*gasp* he is a fellow otaku! Then there is only one thing I can do "Godspeed you magnificent son of a bitch for you are the chosen MC". I thought as I saluted him Konoha style one fist on my chest the other on my lower spine. What is his name anyways oh a name tag! Must be annoying having people asking constantly how to say his name ok let's see.
—{ Ken-shi ka-ge}—
—{ last name, first name}—
"Neat you know it feels like an author is using me to show the MC's name to the readers... Nah"
Kage POV :
. . . . . .
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Wha where am I? Actually, who am I? Better yet when am I? All I remember is thinking bullshit and cookies. What the fuck was I thinking anyway, well whatever why is it so dark here darker than like the endlessness of the void. . . Shit, this is the void, isn't it? Who the fuck am I even asking?
"This is truly bullshit"
Why am I even conscious when there is nothing to Fucking Do! Why am I still bored out of my mind even after I die? Am I doomed to be bored !? Yeah, I figured I died because of the fact that there were no answers and an endless void and you can't hear your self in this void.
(About 2 hours of drifting in this void)
"Hello me, oh hi me what are you doing, You know the usual drifting in this Fucking void, oi chap cheer up, Crikey! cheer up mait, also language young man, . . What the fuck am I doing."
*sigh* alright so no one is gonna answer? Fine then.
"You know this little game we're playing must have probably been very amusing to you God, Death, Devil or whatever the fuck you are but you know what? There are fucking limits to the amount of suffering you put me through, and guess what?"
"I've fucking had it with this shit so unless you come out and talk I'm gonna fucking force myself to vomit or I guess spirit vomit on your void and don't think I won't!"
I stared deeply at the cursed endless void. "You deity have 10 seconds before I start forcing it out!"(That sounds so wrong)
"Ten "
I start reaching into my throat
A finger is curved and pointed into the depths of my throat
I was about to plunge it when
"WAIT! Please don't!" a woman with wings said while bursting through the void
"Oh? and why wouldn't I?"
"Please, I was doing something really important I swear!"
"Ok fine then," I said as I closed my mouth. I really didn't want to deal with that.
The woman who if my guess is correct then is either a deity or a messenger of that deity sighed and muttered: "Thank god." Ok, the messenger then.
"Soooo...why am I here oh great messenger of God"
"! How did you know that!"
"Know what?"
"That I am the messenger of God!"
Kinda slow or clumsy of her but
"Oh that well I died and am now in this endless void you look like an angel with those wings and angles are usually messengers of god and you said that you were doing something important so it was either you were skipping out on the job or were talking to god. Oh yeah, you also said "thank god" and not "thank me" so yeah."
"Ok but also why were about to vomit in this space?"
"I was trying to get you or a deity out."
"This human-*sigh*"
"I can hear you, you know."
"Please stay still"
"Yeah yeah so you're finally gonna do your job"
"You insolent little brat I could-"
"Yeeeah no, I'm already dead and if you are simply a messenger then you wouldn't have the authority even if you have the power, which I highly doubt. To break my soul or something"
*sigh* "Please follow me"
"That's what I thought
And with that, we teleported to God's place in a flash of white light.
{So how was my very first chapter? Also, I am currently in the testing phase of my novel so please give me plenty of support and suggestions on how I could improve this story and how the writing could be better also if you find any grammar mistakes please point them out and I will fix them at a later date. Furthermore, I purposefully changed the style of writing in this first chapter to see which style you all like better the changing point would be after kage died. }