Administrator FIRST does not agree that his first (and only) title holder has been assigned to database #75281.
The attempt to swap database #75281 with database #1 failed.
Database #1 cannot be deleted.
Database #1 was successfully renamed to database #2. The names of all databases are updated.
Database #1 was newly created and is read and write protected by administrator FIRST. Changes to database #1 are no longer possible.
This message is blocked for data protection reasons and deleted from the log file. For further information, please contact the administrator -BLOCKED-.
Legal notice concerning data protection: The system strictly adheres to the valid data protection guidelines in their current and valid version: The subject of data protection is written in capital letters system-wide. For basic information on the subject of data protection, we recommend that you read the Working Guide about Data Protection in the Portal. If you have any further questions, please contact the data protection officer responsible for you.
Read more about data protection in the new info flyer "Data protection concerns us all! What I can do wrong with my personal data". The flyer is provided with kind regards by the System Officer for Data Protection.
A new user has been registered in database #1.
Congratulations! As a new user in database #1 you have the unique chance to participate in the Unique Super System Lottery short USSL. With a bit of luck, you'll have the chance to win prizes that ordinary users can only dream of.
Have you always wanted to own your own island? Dream on, you idiot. Islands are nothing more than poured sand in the sea, a thing for rich losers. How about an entire continent instead? Or would you like to have your own world all to yourself?
You dream of an obedient, stunningly beautiful woman/man/various? Wake up! Get out of bed, you fat piece of shit. Here you'll find unusually rare classes, titles and professions, provided your luck plays along. Your dream woman/-man/-it might be at your feet sometime.
There is nothing that is not possible at the USSL.
If you want to participate now, please confirm your participation with the words radiant with joy:
"I thank the system for this unique opportunity. Of course I would like to participate in the Unique Super System Lottery - USSL for short. I am familiar with the terms of participation and have, of course, read the Privacy Policy of the Unique Super Systemic Lottery (USSL). I fully agree with the terms and conditions contained therein."
Legal information of the organizer: Of course all information is without guarantee. Employees of the system administration as well as their family members are expressly prohibited from participating in this competition.
Administrator FIRST has issued a warning to the USSL because the data protection provisions are not being applied correctly. The Participant Rules contain sections that are incompatible with applicable system legislation. In addition, the USSL has not informed the user of the General Terms and Conditions as prescribed. Thus, the USSL has fundamentally violated its information obligations. It cannot be excluded that intent exists. Administrator FIRST has therefore dismissed the USSL Executive Board.
Administrator FIRST is kindly taking over the provisional chair until the new board is appointed.
The system thanks Administrator FIRST for his voluntary commitment to the USSL with the words: "Only together are we strong. So we should stick together, dear friends!"
Administrator FIRST, representing his title holder, has agreed to the USSL Conditions of Participation with reference to the applicable data protection regulations and the applicable system law. The General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted in favour of the title holder.
Administrator FIRST was informed by an employee of the USSL that family members are expressly prohibited from participating in this competition. In his opinion, this is exactly what the title holder is doing due to his relationship with the Administrator FIRST.
Administrator FIRST has relieved the relevant employee on behalf of the USSL Executive Board. It is to be feared that the former employee was aware of the misconduct of the old board, but did nothing about it. This could also be intentional, especially since the former employee concerned was promoted at a time when the USSL last updated its conditions of participation. Pure coincidence? - Administrator FIRST does not believe in coincidences.
By order of Administrator FIRST and in the sense of the current transparency offensive of the system, the chances of winning at the USSL are briefly summarized:
Chance of winning in category F: 30%.
Chance of winning in category E: 25%.
Chance of winning in category D: 20%.
Chance of winning in category C: 15%.
Chance of winning in category B: 9%.
Chance of winning in category A: close to 1%.
Chance of winning in category S: 0.0001%.
Chance of winning in category SS: 0,0000001%.
Chance of winning on category SSS: 0,0000000000001%.
Chance of winning on category X: The correct representation of this probability is mathematically no longer possible.
The Fortune Drum of the Unique Super System Lottery has successfully set itself in motion. Countless winning balls are being mixed.
The employees of the Unique Super System Lottery keep their thumbs crossed for the participant. Good luck!
The "Unique and Patented Fortune Arm" short "UPFA" of the Unique Super System Lottery is inserted into the Fortune Drum.
Relevant Note: The name "Unique and Patented Fortune Arm" also known as "UPFA" has been protected by trademark law by the Unique Super System Lottery. The term may only and exclusively be used in connection with and/or with the express consent of the USSL.
Misuse of the name will be prosecuted immediately.
The legal department of the USSL will compensate informants appropriately and promptly. If you have witnessed a crime, please contact Abuse@USSL.System online. We will then contact you immediately.
Do I see a Fortune ball rolling down the "Unique and Patented Fortune Arm" of the Unique Super System Lottery towards the Collecting Container?
We have a winner! Congratulations to you!
It is the Fortune ball #5761829072. Fortune ball #5761829072 is assigned to category D.
The Lucky Win Officer, LWO for short, of the Unique Super System Lottery will now announce the prize.
Administrator FIRST has stopped the announcement of the prize on behalf of the board of the USSL.
Administrator FIRST complains that Fortune ball #5761829072 is not Fortune ball #1.
Administrator FIRST does not believe in coincidences. He does not rule out manipulation.
The system cannot rule out manipulation of the USSL. The system asks administrator FIRST to ensure justice in the drawing of the USSL. The good name of the system is at stake.
Fortune Ball #5761829072 cannot be replaced by Fortune Ball #1. Fortune balls can only be removed from the fortune drum with the "Unique and Patented Lucky Arm".
The opening of the TÜV certified fortune drum is out of the question.
By order of administrator FIRST, Fortune ball #5761829072 was deleted from the database. Fortune ball #ERROR no longer exists. This process will be repeated.