"Not now!!"
As he turned around so that the figure jumping on him couldn't get him he got to see who attempted to jump on him.
It was his sister she wanted to tackle him down as she was doing it literally all of her life to annoy her brother.
But she also showed that she would miss him as she was more gentle then usual.
"Bro why the cold shoulder? I won't be seeing you for the next two and a half weeks !!! But why is your class trip soooo long mine took like a week and that was still too long!! "
Leo just rolled his eyes. True he didn't see his sister for more then two years but he wasn't as sentimental as one might think he would be.
Leo, after convincing his sister to go eat breakfast, packed as fast as possible and went down only to get a pice of toast and get out of the house and in a taxi.
He went directly for the airport where most of his classmates have been waiting for him.
He was a highschool student of 17 years. He had few friends but even so was quiet popular as he was good looking and smart.
But he didn't like attention and his good looks only brought him trouble in the apocalypse.
As he got to his classmates he apologized for being late. But at least the class teacher knew that some of his students are going to be late so he arranged the meeting to be almost an hour before the flight.
Leo just so happened to be around half an hour too late which gave him another half an hour to check if he packed everything.
Leo was actually pretty prepared for the flight and what is about to happen while they are on the plane. As it was supposed to be a over two weeks long school trip they were allowed to bring two suit cases and a bag.
Leo filled the first suitcase with clothes and daily necessaries and the second suit case was filled with instant noodles and some long lasting food he got from his room. He actually was very happy that before the apocalypse he was such a sucker for instant food that he actually packed a full suit case with food.
Anyways in his back he had a first aid kit a butterfly knife and a multi purpose knife. He was so glad that his mother was an ex military officer and had made sure to pack this bag in case of an emergency that's why there was also some alcohol and beef jerky in the bag.
In case an outsider was to see his bag he would be weirded out to the extreme by the overkill of preparations for a simple school trip.
To Leo thou it was a blessing thanks to his mothers overkill preparation and his love for junk food he survived the most dangerous stages of the apocalypse.
It was almost time to depart and everyone was present so the were all in the line for their plane.
Leo was sitting besides a boy who was considered a problem student since he joined his highschool.
That person was Ethan.
He was also 17. His looks were almost as handsome as Leos but he also possesed a devilish charm to him.
Unlike Leo who looked handsome and unapproachable Ethan looked like a easygoing but evil person which suited his chatackter very much. Both of them never really talked much as Leo was more of the quiet type and Ethan never approached anyone or was never approached.
Said Leo as he sat down next to Ethan.
"hmmm oh hi"
It looked like Ethan didn't even notice him before when he sat down.
Leo was sitting besides the window and Ethan on the outside. Well the plain was actually a three seats two rows plane but no one sat next to ethat as everyone was afraid of him.
Leo actually was the only person who wanted to sit next to him without being forced to .
The plain took off and Leo was awaiting the faithful moment.
[well I dont want to reapeat everything again. But who said that life is easy ]