The journey to the Aardwolves territory was uneventful, they had to slow down to make sure to not alert the Aardwolves, the little packs are very annoying.
The territory is also filled with opportunity most people don't like crossing Aardwolves so their might some gems hidden around for one with a discerning eye.
Shaka was directing them towards the borderline, he wanted a maybe come across an Aardwolf dreadhorde. Aardwolves always ate close to the den. The problem was that they would kill all who had seen the dreadhorde. Even thou Aardwolves are monsters for some reason any who see the Dreadhorde must die.
The name is because the one of the few guys to come out alive said that it is made up of items looted from dead bodies and the bodies are arranged around the horde like a mound. The smell alone was disgusting, however the sight was even more horrific as all their young are in the horde moving around in it.
The Aardwolves territory was quickly coming up. while still in the Low veld it had a lot more trees clustered together.
Shaka sizing up the Arabian filly. Certain things were easily observable. She did not have any chance of being working Centaur she had celsius or sign that she did any type of labour.
Her skin had no patches which meant at the very least she has had a decent amount food for the observable past.
Her hair was also extremely well kept and braided intricately. Even her tail, and given how defensive about their headquarters, she should of had someone she trusts do it for her like a servant.
Her shoes were also made of pixie bone which is extremely light but difficult to break due to the high amount of mana in it. (Shaka had at one been looking for the material when he read about it in an Association report on materials. He wanted to use it for the rings in his designs.)
Her clothes even they appeared simply they gave the distinct smell of Vermilion a dangerous flower that is great for use as bug repellent much like the other use of Chamomile.
Sea had been using everything he had trying to the filly to talk. She was still ignoring if not for the fact that they were both pulling the carriage she probably would have run away.
Shaka made her put the carriage to in case something thing happened should would not able to runaway alone. Her top speed was something none of the could keep up with.
Shaka was keeping an eye out on Sea, his behavior had triggered his suspicion. The young colt should have been more careful.
Shaka asked him carefully about what his mission to Azi was about? Sea spoke that his was suppose to a simple stage run with some of his herd and guards. Stage runs are a part of Centaur trails towards adulthood.
Are you sure you have nothing else to say to me about what you were doing in Azi. Are you sure you do not know her?
I told you already Shaka I do not know her, why do you keep asking all these questions. Chark is still a long ways off we will need to rest at night. Do you have any ideas where we are?
Shaka smiled close to home, his current path meant that he could pass through a village before heading north proper, there current speed had them arriving in less than a day if they pushed hard enough throughout the night.
Shaka shared his plan with them to head to a small village. The journey was proving to be a long one the back tracking adding days to a what should be a five to six day trip to Chark.
Shaka started craving some runes onto sliver glass.
The wind started blowing violently, a white most covering the road they were traveling on. It came quickly slowing their pace to a trot. Shaka wanted to remain as anonymous as possible. Especially with the mark he got from Alpha they could pass through non monsters lands with ease.
Sea light a light he had in his bag and put it by his side as they moved through the fog. They had to as fog kept getting thicker. This was not a natural phenomena one could even sense eyes through the fog. Shaka told them to keep calm just follow the road this would clear up soon.
He pretend to drop something and shout for them to keep going until they clear the fog he will catch up.
His form was simple this was not a question of if he could beat them or not it would just take a long. A bullfog, is a exactly that a herd of bulls that are fog they only full materialize at the time of attack.
So Shaka patiently waiting for the bullfog to attack since he was alone they would only attack him. It fit with their strategy of confusing their prey with fog and when they stand still they would attack.
The attacks are deadly only if one is surprised by them usually a small group ten. This herd eight. At least I will pick up some cores. Shaka had been desperate to collect more core to help him level up his grade. His core requirements were to the power three. Of course this meant that his body was actually that of someone who was Blue - D, at least.
A simple way to understand was that Shaka had three time the strength,speed and stamina of a professional athlete. His speed right now was about 81 kilometers at his fastest ,with a punch strength of at 3000 kilograms.
The entire region had been purged of for the ten months as such their are very few high ranking monster that can threaten Shaka.
It was also the reason they had to go Azi first instead of going straight to get the teleport skill necklaces (priestess made bracelets like the jewellery not an safeguard).
Lunga underground temple would be their last stop after the family had powered up but now everyone is doing their own Shaka had to put back into action his original growth plan which starts beyond Valduum the mountain city of the Dwarven kingdom.
Their his last hint provided by Gu would be. Lord Gu was a legendary craftsmen who made all sorts of thing in Unity. His last trail with him had forced Shaka to learn crafts of all kind in order to fundamental theory of cores, how they work hold and transfer skills. How to mix and match them. Combining them and how the conversion power theory which he was utilizing to work and experiment with.
The bulls that attacked. Shaka did not even use his shield he simply dodged and slashed then thrust a small side step and another slash each bull that received at attack died.
This enraged the remaining five bulls one used overcharge. Shaka simply left his spear in front of as the bull skewered itself on his spear. He grabbed the next one punching it, his fist travelled through its body. He scoffed, by grabbing it he gave it enough to dematerialise causing his fist to miss.
When the next bull was about to reach him Shaka jumped up ever so slightly and kicked with one hill kick to the head it collapsed without even a grunt.
Shaka stood still as it seemed that they were hesitant to attack him. How ever that was the bull getting into position to die unknowingly of course.
by the end of the thirty seconds all the bulls were dead their core extracted. He could not skin the bulls as it would take to long. Their is ultra delicate and amazingly light to wear some say it like wearing air.
Shaka quickly caught to the two who had meet a group of Aardwolves, Sea was attacking wisely. Due to his size he moved at the trot and continued to unleash a flutter of arrows. The filly appeared scared and just kept moving however one could deduce that Sea was using this moment to appear as a hero this creatures were dropping like flies but he was playing up the danger.
It worked well as she was talking to him now. By the time he arrived Sea was on the last Aardwolf and he stomped on it. The filly was full of worry he Sea, calmed her down saying everything is okay as long as she sticks with him.
Shaka did not mind much he also wanted to know more about her. As they travelled along she finally told them her name was Nala Dune.
Shaka started sweating your a Dune? War cursed?
She was upset at Shaka's callous comment. Nala said it's not our fault do not call me War cursed, Invader!
I'm sorry I did not mean to offend it just that your people are famous for your resistance against famous I'm sorry.
[During the first months some people thought that all monster were just that monster who are available for killing. The Dunes are desert Centaurs who built a city around the biggest Oasis. When the Sons of Sam's a human guild found this place they assumed the monster "Centaurs" had invaded and killed the inhabitants. The Sons of Sam invaded and started a war that only ended when the last known Son of Sam died. They had started wars in place they found Sons of Sam member for six months the North was in a constant state of war. Even Valduum was put under intense pressure by the Dunes. As a by product thou their strategy left them surrounded by enemies. Which lead to destabilization of their nation and war with Orcs which is still going on today.]
While it is what it is, Nala I am Shaka what are you doing here? Sea quickly spoke in taurine dialect that Shaka did not understand. She stopped speaking. Sea said I'm truly sorry but it's a tribal matter we cannot involve you.
Shaka said fine as long as it does not put me in danger, I will pry any further. Unfortunately many such thing existed amongst the locals as newcomers the earthlings had been trying to be more peaceful with the locals war so early had shown even with all their technology they could be beaten and beaten badly.
They journey to village was full one enemies were no challenge at all. When they arrived Shaka many dangerous people's like Dobbs (Doberman Penghou), Gorgons and a two tailed scorpion in a cage, a favorite pet of assassins. So instead he decided to rest for two hours and eat only. When they went to the stable from the inn he made them leave immediately.
The hunters he saw are famous trackers he wanted to create some distance between them and those that track them from here. One of them might be working for someone he offended. The enemies of the Centaurs should not be able to hire a proper tracker like these proper trackers.
He had spotted a Gorgon because he walked out after Sea and Nala he had been waiting for change so this small delay made him spot the Gorgon it was following them. He stopped by a rest point. As soon as she moved away he hurried them away towards Chark which four days away over open territory.
Sea was not one for long distance but today, he would have to push himself. Shaka said that as long they made to the open grasslands they could use their mark to pass through Penghou land unmolested.