Chapter 19 - 3.1

SHOUTOUT TO A KIND READER WHO BOUGHT ME COFFEE! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH 💕 (I don't mention names for their privacy, unless they wish to be mentioned)


Li Qiang didn't even go back to their (LQ & WW's) room but straight to the next world. However, he felt that something was off.

/System... Why can't I move.../

[You are currently residing inside the body of a tree.]

/ ... /

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

/You **** what the **** have you ******** done?!???!/

[Due to the lack of energy since Master's soul fragment was not collected in the last world, I have placed you inside of an entity that required the least amount of energy needed to transfer.]

/... You don't actually expect me to believe that, right?/

After cursing out his hubby's killer for a while, Li Qiang realized this wasn't the biggest issue.

/Wait. So how am I supposed to catch a soul with a body like this. Shake my leaves???/

[Let me send you the world plot.]

/Hey! Don't get off topic here!/

However, the system paid no attention to Li Qiang's noisy rants and curses and just threw him the plot. After reading through the world's plot, Li Qiang knew why the system didn't answer his previous question. It seemed like this world was set in a apocalyptic setting where zombies existed. Or at least that's what it seemed.

/System... These people aren't zombies right..? They seem kind of off.../

[These people called 'zombies' are just people infected with the negative energy released when Master's soul fragment from the last world came over. The resentment transformed the people into creatures who appeared inhuman and deformed.]

/Hmm... I see./

According to the plot given, an asteroid, which is supposedly Wang Wei's soul fragment, descended on this world and landed in an obscure place near the countryside of City B. A drunk man found the asteroid first and touched it, becoming the first 'zombie'. From there on, every person who was bitten by these 'zombies' also became the same creatures as them.

The male lead of this world is a man named Zhang Jing. He was ruthlessly betrayed by his girlfriend, Jiang Xueying, when they were trying to reach the base in City B. As a effort to buy some time, Zhang Jing was mercilessly pushed into a swam of 'zombies'. But who would've thought that he would survive and arrive at City B's base, carrying even a mysterious power that could control the 'zombies'. Zhang Jing did not let this 'wonderful' girlfriend of his off and used her as bait when they were on a supplies mission.

Sadly, Jiang Xueying was saved by Lei Xie, who also had a power due to his studies in qi. The two came back to the base and ratted out Zhang Jing's actions, calling him the 'Zombie King' since he had the power to control the 'zombies'. Framed for being the cause of the apocalypse, Zhang Jing felt indignant and disgusted of human beings. With the additional resentment from his soul fragment, he took over the position of 'Zombie King' and conquered all the bases in the world.

Li Qiang sensed his surroundings.

/Is that the asteroid you were talking about?/

Near his trunk, was an asteroid around the size of a tire, not too big or small. He could faintly feel the negative energy spreading through the air, infecting all the living things around it.

[You can absorb the negative energy to cultivate yourself into a human form again.]

/Oh? Finally, some good news./

[Based on the amount of negative energy in the air, it will take you around 10 years to fully transform into a human.]

.... TEN YEARS?!?? How am I supposed to stay put for TEN YEARS?!??? And my poor hubby!

[Please calm yourself. This world's plot has not started yet, you have 9 years and 9 months before the plot begins.]

/...ಠ_ಠ /

Submitting to his fate, Li Qiang diligently absorbed the negative energy in the air with his leaves as quickly as possible.

/9 years is still too long though.../


The last thing Zhang Jing saw before falling into the crowd of zombies was his girlfriend's face full of schadenfreude. The smell of gas and rotting flesh engulfed his nostrils and the sounds of hoarse goans bombarded his ears.

He wondered where everything went wrong. Was it when he first accepted her confession? Or maybe it was when he refused to listen to her talk about using others for bait. He didn't want to die or become a lifeless 'zombie' like the ones before him.

/Someone... Please save me.../

When this thought appeared in his mind, time seemed to have stopped, and a ethereal like being approached him. It was like an angel had descended onto this dirty world filled with filth. The 'zombies' made way for this 'angel' as he walked closer to Zhang Jing.

"Excuse me..." Li Qiang waved his hand in front of his hubby, wondering if he was awake or not.

During these 9 years, he and this system of his hubby's bonded quite well. So well that he even managed to force out some useful information, such as the hidden storage section in the ring that the system resides in. Li Qiang usually turned off the visibility of the ring to prevent any unnecessary thefts for his convenience. The ring was a gift from Wang Wei as an engagement ring for their upcoming wedding.

/If it wasn't for that crazy woman intruding on our wedding we would've gotten married. Tch, just thinking of her makes me wanna punch someone./

Li Qiang actually discovered a hidden portion in the ring with a barrier. When he asked the system, it said that the barrier can be broken after it gathers enough energy to crack it open. Looking at his stats, Li Qiang knew he had a long way to go before that barrier could be broken.

As Li Qiang was immersed in his thoughts, Zhang Jing, who was lying on the ground, stared intently at the supposed angel in front of him. The apocalypse was already 3 months in so was rare to see someone wandering alone. But this person- no, angel- before his eyes was spotless, without a speck of dirt or dust on him. Zhang Jing's gaze landed on the flawless ankle revealed when the angel bent down, imagining how nice it would be to caress that beautiful skin. Without knowing, Zhang Jing's nose began to bleed.

"..." If it wasn't for the fact that Li Qiang felt a certain pervert's burning gaze on his ankle, he would've cared. But now he just wanted to smack this horny idiot's head and ignore him.

So he did.

<|Small Theater|>

Li Qiang: Heyyyyyy system, what's the tallest building in the world?

System: [... In which world.]

Li Qiang: Any!

System: [Burj Khalifa.]

Li Qiang: ...No, the library is.

System: [...] *doubts Li Qiang's intelligence*

Li Qiang: Because it's got the most stories! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

System: [...]